(continuation of https://www.geni.com/discussions/142974)
See http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Master_Profile for a description of Master Profiles on Geni.
Before posting here, please check a few things:
- Please try your hardest to connect your profile to the tree (or at least a significant stand-alone tree)
- Please check https://www.geni.com/curators first to see if there's a specific curator who specializes in your area, to whom you should address your request
- Please make sure your profile is well-written with proper grammar and punctuation, and where possible, source citations.
Andrew Quinn Champion, "Wikipedia" may be grammatically correct but it is hardly the stuff of a quality MP: Kiki Bokassa.
If i was to make her an MP i would feel obliged to add a Curator Note (and or edit the About) to explain who this person is.
Why do you think this profile needs MPing? It's not high quality or high traffic, is there a high risk of bad merges or is she a notable person (not to be rude but reading the Wikipedia page i suspect she thinks she is a lot more notable than she really is).
I had replied, but for some bizarre reason Alex's replies weren't showing for me and I didn't see that he'd addressed some points already. Sorry!
But I wanted to note that:
1) I added a photo, project, and brief biographical snippet for Barthélemy Boganda. Those are good things to do pre-MP.
2) According to the very helpful list of curators that Mike linked, Kenneth Kwame Welsh, (C) and Sharon Doubell are the curators who work on African political leaders.
There honestly doesn't seem to be any question that Kiki Bokassa is a notable artist. She has extensive press clippings, is referenced in books, has 1,000+ fans (not friends) on Facebook, is from an important family, etc. She'd be a natural fit for our Female Artists project. She just needs more of a profile.
Abou Elyas is our only curator listing Lebanese genealogy as an interest. Ali, would you be interested in curating Kiki's profile? If not, I'll do it.
Thanks Private User - I've Curated Andrew Quinn Champion's profile for Barthélemy Boganda. As you say, we desperately need more African genealogies on geni.
I think they deserve consideration
Sir John Evans
John Dickenson
Major Francis Bennett-Goldney
Dame Joan Evans
I have curated Richard Harris. Happy for another Curator to take over.
I would like to suggest that copying entire wikipedia articles into Geni profiles as has been done here is not best practice. Short excerpts are fine, especially if the wiki page has a Early Life paragraph, i imagine that he would have a IMDB profile and probably numerous other reputable show biz journals which would reduce reliance on wikipedia. Remember wikipedia is an open crowd source site, like Geni they don't guarantee any of the information so cross checking is a good idea. Also using the Talk tab on a wikipedia page can help identify if there is controversy about the subject.
Yehuda Rubin, the death date on his obituary differs from the one on profile - died Manchester 13 February 1993.