William IV , Count of Clermont after his brother Guy I. Father Anselm named him William I. He is quoted in a charter of the abbey of Cluny in 1002 , and he probably died before 1016 .
Son of Viscount Robert II , he is the father of Count Robert I of Auvergne , and of Stephen III, bishop of Clermont .
His https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=... was Robert II of Clermont
Robert II was nicknamed the Younger during the foundation of the monastery of Chanteuges in 936 , during his father's lifetime. He was quoted as Vicomte d'Auvergne at the donation made by his brother, the bishop of Clermont , Étienne, to the chapter of Brioude in 962 .
He is the son of Robert I , and the father of Robert III , Guy I of Auvergne and Guillaume I , who were Viscount or Counts of Auvergne after him. He is also the brother of Stephen II , bishop of Clermont.
his father was Robert I of Clermont
Robert I was mentioned as Vicomte d'Auvergne at the donation made by the Count d'Auvergne, Acfred , to the monastery of Sauxillanges in 927 , and again at the foundation of the monastery of Chanteuges in 936 , with the Duke of Auvergne, Aquitaine and Count of Auvergne Raymond III of Toulouse , known as Pons. He died probably in 962 .
He is the son of Armand and the father of Robert II , Viscount of Auvergne, and of Stephen, bishop of Clermont .
his father was Armand de Clermont
Armand ( Arimandus ) was quoted as Vicomte of Auvergne or Clermont, under the authority of Counts Bernard ( 846 ), Guérin, then Guillaume le Pieux ( Duke of Aquitaine and Earl of Auvergne in 886 , died in 916 ). He made donations to the church of Brioude in 895 and 898 .
He is the father of Robert I , Astorge, Armand II and Matfred , all named Viscounts of Auvergne in a charter of the church of Brioude dated 962 .