As you can see from the notes, he is a semi historical figure. So, there is that.
He DOES have many medieval genealogies that give him various ancestors, but they are contradictory, and besides that they all roam about in the land of fiction.
So, this is as far as we can take the line back with any degree of certainty.
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees, http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id145.html.
I don't see how the mother of King Beli Mawr could have been the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea if Beli Mawr lived BC. I was thinking more along the lines of Anna being the grandmother of Jesus, possibly. Perhaps Beli's mother was an Anna, but his wife was Anna. Here are some results from my research: Beli "Mawr" Blessed Sovereign of Britain
born about 0110 BC Britain
died 0072 BC
[father of Mawr, High King Lludd Llaw Ereint `the Silver~Handed
b. [80 BC] God of Healing/High King of Britain
d. gave his name to `London`
*Manogan ab Eneid
born about 0135 BC
died 0072 BC
*Don verch Mathonwy
Beli Mawr (The Great)
* Born: 132 B.C.
* Died: 72 B.C., at age 60
[father of Mawr, King Llud]
[father of `ap Beli`, Afallach; who married Amalech]
Mother: of Arimathea, Anna Enygeus ap Joseph
* Marriage: Eurgain
Beli married Eurgain, daughter of Caratacus Pendragon and Anna daughter Joseph of Aramathea.
Beli Mawr (The Great)
[father of Mar, Casswallan The Great]
* Born: 132 B.C.
* Died: 72 B.C., at age 60
Mawr, Beli `The Great` ap Manogan
[father of Pennardun]
b. [32 BC] Celtic Britony
m. of Arimathea, Anna
d. 0034
Mawr, Druid High King Beli [no info on this line, except father of Llud]
Mawr, Druid High King Beli `The Great`
b. 132 BC
d. 72 BC [60]
son of Mawr, Druid High King Manogan AP CAPPOIR
[father of Mawr, King Llud Llaw..
b. 80 BC
m. of Cornwall, Princess Anna
Mawr, Druid High King Beli.
[father of Mawr of Britain, High King Llud Llaw]
Mawr, Druid High King Beli..
[father of Afallach ap Beli]
married of Arimithea?, Eurgain
Beli married Eurgain, daughter of Caratacus Pendragon and Anna daughter Joseph of Aramathea.
Mawr, Druid High King Beli.... `the Great`
b. Britain
MBeli awr (The Great)
* Born: 132 B.C.
* Marriage: Unknown
* Died: 72 B.C., at age 60
[father of Mawr of Britons, King Llud Llaw]
Mawr, Druid High King Beli..... `The Great`
Beli Mawr (The Great)
* Born: 132 B.C.
* Marriage: Unknown
* Died: 72 B.C., at age 60
[father of Casswallan, Casswallan `The Great`]
Mawr, Heli [Beli] AP MANOGAN
Beli Mawr Heli AP MANOGAN (130?- )
Wife: Don Anna VERCH MATHONWY (105?- )
Children: Casswallan (90?- )
Llud (85?- )
Husband: Beli Mawr Heli AP MANOGAN
Name: Beli Mawr Heli AP MANOGAN
Sex: Male
Father: Manogan AP CAPPOIR (180?- )
Mother: Anna (170?- )
Birth 0130 B.C. (app)
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -
Birth 0105 B.C. (app)
Child 1: Casswallan
Name: Casswallan
Sex: Male
Birth 0090 B.C. (cal)
Child 2: Llud
Name: Llud
Sex: Male
Nickname: Llawereint the Silver Handed
Birth 0085 B.C. (app)
Note on Husband: Beli Mawr Heli AP MANOGAN
Beli Mawr (translated into English as Beli the Great) was an ancestor figure in medieval Welsh literature and genealogies. He is the father of Caswallawn, Arianrhod, Lludd Llaw Eraint, Llefelys, and Afallach. In certain medieval genealogies he is listed as the husband of Anna, cousin of the Virgin Mary. Several royal lines in medieval Wales traced their ancestry to him.
Beli and Belenus/The origin of the name Beli is still a matter of debate among scholars.[1] The most popular hypothesis sees the name Beli as a Middle Welsh reflex of the Gaulish and Brittonic theonym Belenus (also attested as a personal name), but a more recent alternative is that proposed by the Celticist John Koch, who suggests [2] that Beli derives from an Old Celtic name Belgius or Bolgios, borne by one of the chieftains who led the Gallic invasion of Macedonia in 280-279 BCE. He therefore proposes [3] that this great leader Belgius came to be regarded as the namesake and ancestor of the powerful British and Gallic tribal group the Belgae, whence would have come the doctrine that Beli was the ancestor of tribal dynasties.[4]
Beli son of Manogan/Another Beli from medieval Welsh literature, who first appears in the 9th c. Historia Brittonum and is often confused or conflated with Beli Mawr in both medieval and modern sources, is Beli son of Manogan (also spelled Mynogan). This Beli is actually derived from the historical pre-Roman, British king of the Catuvellauni tribe, Cunobelinus and his son Adminius (or Amminius). Via a series of textual corruptions that span several different popular books from Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, the names of Cunobelinus and his son Adminius were combined and then jumbled, giving way to the new Welsh literary characters Beli and Manogan[5][6]:
1.Adminio, Cunobellini Brittannorum regis filio (Suetonius, Caligula, Ch. 44)
2.Minocynobellinum Britannorum regis filium (Orosius, Historia Adversus Paganos, vii 5.5)
3.Bellinus, filius Minocanni (Historia Brittonum, ch. 19)
Thus, although Beli became a separate personage in medieval pseudohistory from Cunobelinus (Welsh Cynfelyn, Shakespeare's Cymbeline), he was generally presented as a king reigning in the period immediately before the Roman invasion; his "son" Caswallawn is the historical Cassivellaunus.
Henry of Huntingdon's Belinus/The 12th century English historian Henry of Huntingdon, in his Historia Anglorum (first published in 1129 AD), follows the Historia Brittonum in his discussion of Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain, mentioning a Belinus, brother of Cassibella(u)nus, who are both styled sons of Liud (see Lludd Llaw Ereint), who is substituted for the Historia Brittonum's Minocannus.[7]
Geoffrey's HeliBeli also appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's pseudo-history Historia Regum Britanniæ (1130s) as the British king Heli, son of Digueillus and father of Lud, Cassivelaunus and Nennius. He is said to have held the throne for 40 years, after which he was succeeded by his son Lud (Llud).[8] In the Middle Welsh translations of Geoffrey's work known collectively as Brut y Brenhinedd, Heli's name was restored to Beli[9] and his father re-named to Manogan.
Mawr, King Beli The Great`
Beli Mawr (The Great)
* Born: 132 B.C.
* Marriage: Unknown
* Died: 72 B.C., at age 60
[father of Mawr, King Llud Llaw...
b. 80 BC/of Bel Mahr?]
Mawr, King Lord Beli `the Great`
Beli was the son of Mynogen. Beli was the husband of the goddess Don, the daughter of Mathonwy. Beli was the father of five sons: Amathon, Nudd, Govannon, Gwydyon and Gilvaethwy. Beli was also the father of two daughters: Aranrhod and Penarddun, the wife of Llyr.
According to the story of Llud and Llevelys, Beli was also said to be father of Lludd, Llevelys, Nynmyaw and Caswallon (Casswallawn). The Welsh Triad mentioned that his daughter was Aranrot. According, to this Triad (32), Caswallon left Britain with a host (Third Host to Leave Britain), with his nephews, Gwenwynwyn and Gwanar, sons of Lliaws and Aranrot. They were from Arllechwedd and went to Gascony.
His children with Don were known as the Children of the Light, as opposed to Llyr's Children of Darkness.
Beli was often called Beli Mawr. Beli was equivalent to the ancient Gallic god, Belenus, and to the Irish god, Bile. Beli Mawr "the Great" King of the Britons
Birth: -110
Death: -72 (38)
BC, Siluria /Lord of the Celtics
Beli Mawr (Beli the Great) was an ancestor deity in Welsh mythology. He was the consort of Dôn and the father of Caswallawn, Arianrhod, Lludd and Llefelys. Several royal lines in medieval Wales traced their ancestry to him.
He is usually, though not universally, considered to have derived from the Celtic god Belenus. Historical linguistics suggests that the name Beli may be derived from Bolgios, a name attested as the leader of a Gaulish attack on Macedon in the 3rd century BC. It is related to the Irish "Beltane", modern Gaelic "bealtuinn" (May-day), which comes from Irish "béalteine", reflecting the diphthonging of the initial vowel from Early Irish "beltene", or "belltaine", Proto-Celtic *belo-te(p)niâ (according to Stokes)
Mawr, Sovereign Lord Beli `the Great`
Heli (Beli Mawr) the Great
* Marriage: Anna the Prophetess
* Died: 0072 B.C.
He was Beli Mawr "the Great," Sovereign Lord of the Celtic Britons from 132 to 72 BC. He was the Celtic god of the sun, called Belenos by the Romans. The festival of Beltane was May 1st; May Day.
This website says Beli's father is Capoir (other times, Capoir is referenced as the grandfather) [on the tree it says Druid King Manogan] & [son, King Llud]
Heli married Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Joseph of Arimathea and Anna.
Mawr of Britain, Druid High King Beli [Heli?] `Silver~Handed`
b. 110 BC Great King of Britons
married Mathonwy, Druid Queen Don (Anna) F.
Beli (Heli) Mawr Great King of Britons (~110bc-)
Don ferch Mathonwy
[Father of Mawr of Britain, Druid High King Lludd Llaw Ereint
b. 79 BC rebuilt London [Trin ovantum] walls & towers
d. 18 BC burial in London]
Mawr of Britons, Sovereign Lord Beli
b. [132 to 110? BC] Sovereign Lord of the Britons
m. MATHONWY, Druid Queen Don (Anna) F.
Beli Mawr "The Great", Sovereign Lord of the Britons
* Born: 132 B.C.
son of Cambrian, Druid King Manogan... AP ENIED
[father of Mawr, Lludd Llaw `The Silver-Haired`]
Mawr of the Britons, Sovereign Lord Beli `The Great`
b. [born 132 BC to 110 BC] Sovereign Lord of the Britons
d. married Don (Anna) FERCH MATHONWY
married VERCH MATHONWY, Druid Queen Don (Anna) C.
b. [80 BC] King Of The Britons
d. [18 BC]]
Beli Mawr "The Great", Sovereign Lord of the Britons
* Born: 132 B.C.
General Notes:
Relationship to Compiler: 58 x great grandfather
1. Alternate Birth; 110 B.C.
Marriage Information:
Beli married Don (Anna) FERCH MATHONWY.
Beli, son of AP ENEID of the Cambrians, Druid King Manogan
b. King of Druids of (legendary) Cambrian Line
d. married Unknown Queen
[father of Ereint AP BELI, Lludd Llaw `The Silver-Haired`
b. [80 BC] King Of The Britons/married Queen of Britons
d. [18 BC]]
Mawr of the Britons, Sovereign Lord Beli `The Great`
b. 110 BC to 132 B.C. Sovereign Lord of the Britons
d. married Don (Anna) FERCH MATHONWY
m. MATHONWY, Don (Anna) F.
Beli Mawr "The Great", Sovereign Lord of the Britons
* Born: 132 B.C.
General Notes:
Relationship to Compiler: 58 x great grandfather
1. Alternate Birth; 110 B.C.
Marriage Information:
Beli married Don (Anna) FERCH MATHONWY
Beli, son of AP ENEID of the Cambrians, Druid King Manogan.
b. of the (legendary) Cambrian Line/married Unknown Queen
[father of of the Britons, King Caswallan (Cassivellaunos)
b. King of the Britons (62-48 BCE)
d. married Unknown Queen of the Britons
[I count 19 lines to Beli]
Syrios, Mary Magdalene
Damaris, Sara
f The FRANKS, Rathberius
0069 - 0090
Of The FRANKS, King Richemer
0090 - 0114
Of The FRANKS, King Odomir
0114 - 0128
Of The FRANKS, King Marcomir IV ******
0128 - 0149
of the Sicambrian Franks, King Clodomir IV
0117 - 0169
of Sicambrian Franks, King Faribert
0122 - 0186
of the Sicambrian Franks, King Sunno (Huano)
0137 - 0213
of the Sicambrian Franks, King Childeric (Hilderic)
0170 - 0253
of Sicambrian Franks, King Bartherus (Partherus)
0190 - 0272
of the Sicambrian Franks, Chief Clodius II
0199 - 0298
of the Sicambrian Franks, Chief Walter
0223 - 0306
of the Sicambrian Franks, Duke Dagobert I
0240 - 0317
of the Sicambrian Franks, Chief Clodomir I
???? - 0337
of the Sicambrian Franks, Chief Richimer
???? - 0384
of the Sicambrian Franks, Chief Theodomir
???? - 0414
of the Sicambrian Franks, Chief Clodius (Clodio) I
0398 - 0448
of the Sicambrian Franks, Chief Dagobert II
???? - 0389
VON THÜRINGEN, Lord Genobaud
???? - 0419
0379 - 0459
of the Salian Franks, King Clodius (Clodion) `le Cheveleu`
???? - 0449
of the Salian Franks, King Merovée Merowig
0410 - 0458
MEROVING, Childeric I
0436 - 0481
MEROVING of the Salian Franks, Chlodovech (Clovis) I `The Great`
0463 - 0511
MEROVING, Clotilda
0491 - 0531
of the Visigoths, Leodegild
0519 - 0586
of the Visigoths, King Reccared I
0544 - 0601
of the Visigoths, King Sigeburt
0570 - 0621
of the Visigoths, Queen Theodora
of the Visigoths, King Chinthila Chinaswind
0584 - 0653
of the Visigoths, King Fulk Toga
0620 - 0642
of the Visigoths, Gislica
DE RAZÈS, Giselle Adele
0653 - 0676
MEROVING of Austrasia, Abbess Adele
0675 - 0734
D` ALSACE, Gerlinde Eticonides
0679 - 0773
D` ALSACE, Duke Count Luitfride I
0707 - 0767
D` ALSACE, Count Luitfride II
0740 - 0780
D` ALSACE, Count Hugues III
0765 - 0839
TOURS, Bertha De
DE MORVOIS of France, Countess Bertha (Béatrice)
DE VERMANDOIS de Bretagne, Sprota (Esprota)
DE NORMANDIE, Richard I `Sans Peur`
0933 - 0996
DE BRETAGNE, Hawisa (Hedwig)
0977 - 1033
DE COTENTIN, Constable Neel (Nigel)
1043 - 1092
DE COTENTIN of Halton, Lord Constable William I FitzNeel/FITZNIGEL
1058 - 1134
1120 - 1174
DE LATHOM, Sir Richard FitzRobert
1172 - 1220
1198 - 1286
DE LATHAM, Sheriff Sir Robert
1254 - 1290
DE LATHAM, Sir Robert
1280 - 1325
deLatham, Sir Thomas
???? - 1370
Lathom, Isabel
1364 - 1414
de Stanley, Sovereign Lord John
1386 - 1437
Stanley, Isabel
Warren, Lawrence
1430 - 1474
de Warren, William
1459 - 1496
Warren, Thomas
1501 - 1591
Warren, John
1561 - 1612
Warren, Planter Elizabeth [Francis?]
1612 - 1662
Syro of Magdala, Saint Mary
0003 - 0063
RAMA-THEO, Josephes ha-DAVID
DESPOSYNI, Josue or Jasna (PILISTE) Philistim `the Philistine`
DESPOSYNI, Siarclus (Siarklotus) Sarclotus
`Rise`, Emanuel
of Maximus, Enciede (Encride) `Ere
of Maximus, Othrag
of ?, Maxime (Maximus) OR: Mercuid (Marchudd)
of ?, Llebryn (Liubuirnus) (Luibuirne Lleuborn)
Cornuithe, Cornodd Cornuithus
of ?, Meurig (Meuric)
DESPOSYNI?, Otta Ottavianus?
of GARTH-MADRUN, Marchudd
of Ireland?, Oidisse (Odissus) (Odais Oidise)
de Bretagne, Photaighe (Poititus) (Potit Potitus)
of Britain, Deacon Calpurnius (Calprinn Calpruinn)
CALPURNIUS/Niccalpurnius, Saint Queen Dareca verch
0310 - 0387
Selyfan, High King Saint Salomon I
0355 - 0446
ap Selyfan, Aldrian
0373 - 0464
of Brittany, Buidig I
0420 - 0513
of the Bretons, King Hoel I
???? - 0545
of the Bretons, King Hoel II
of Brittany?, Alain I
of Brittany?, Hoel III
de Poher, Saint King Judicael
de Poher et Browerec, Count Erispoe I
0760 - 0812
de Bretagne, King Nominoe
0790 - 0851
BRETAGNE, Gaerwant
0825 - 0868
DeRennes, Orequen Berenger?
0854 - 0907
Depoher DeBRETAGNE, Matuedo
DeBretagne, Alain
DeDinan, Hamon
???? - 1030
DeDol, Flaald
1005 - 1064
fitz Flaald, Seneschal Alain `Dapifer`
1024 - 1080
Senescal, Fledaldus
1046 - 1084
Fitz Flaald, Alan
1078 - 1113
FITZALAN, High Steward Walter
1106 - 1177
Fitz Walter STEWART, High Steward Alan
1126 - 1204
de Hesden, Avelina
1179 - 1250
deGalloway, Neil MacDuncan
1202 - 1256
Galloway, roland McDowall
Galloway, McDowall
1293 - 1368
Wardlaw, Henry II de
Wardlaw, Dau. of
Carmichael, William
Carmichael, Sir John
Carmichael, William
Carmichael, John
Carmichael, Sibella
Hoppringle, James
Hoppringle, James
Pringill, Elizabeth
Jack, James
Jack, Anna
Moir, Lady Elizabeth
Craig, Planter Lady Elizabeth
1719 - 1822
Syro, Mariamné the Magdalene
Damaris, Queen Sarah
Of The FRANKS, King Ratherius [Rathaerius]
0045 - 0090
Of The FRANKS, King Richemer
0080 - 0114
Of The FRANKS, King Odomir
0100 - 0128
of the FRANKS, King Marcomir IV ****
0105 - 0149
FRANKS, Chlodomir IV
0104 - 0166
Of The FRANKS, King Farabert
0122 - 0186
Of The FRANKS, King Sunno (Huano)
0137 - 0213
Of The Childeric FRANKS, King Hilderic
0160 - 0253
of Franks, King Bartherus
0180 - 0272
Of The East Clodius FRANKS, King Clodius III
???? - 0298
Of The East Walter FRANKS, King Gautier
0220 - 0306
of the East Franks, Prince Dagobert `Peaceful Prince`/`mild & loving Prince`
0230 - 0327
Franks, King Clodomir V
0255 - 0337
of the Franks, King Richimir II
0270 - 0350
of Franks, King Theodomir
0295 - 0360
of the Franks, King Chlodius IV
0310 - 0358
Of The Salic, King Dagobert III
0325 - 0389
of the East /Franks/, Genebald II
0354 - 0419
Decimbres Of The Salic, Queen Argotta Rosamunde
DESPOSYNI, Fredemundus
DESPOSYNI, Unichus (Erichus) (Henricus) de Lombard
DESPOSYNI, Owen Ausonius Taliesin
0491 - 0546
DESPOSYNI, Viviane D`aqcs
DESPOSYNI, Bors II or Raulhanis
???? - 0799
DESPOSYNI/VON BRETAGNE, Froamidus or Wyomarch
0720 - 0762
DESPOSYNI, Erispoe Frodaldus
0760 - 0812
De BRETAGNE, King Nominoe
0790 - 0850
DE BRETAGNE, Erispoe or Nominoe
0810 - 0840
de Erispo, Daughter
DeRennes, Orequen Berenger?
0854 - 0907
Depoher DeBRETAGNE, Matuedo
DeBretagne, Alain
DeDinan, Hamon
???? - 1030
DeDol, Flaald
1005 - 1064
fitz Flaald, Seneschal Alain `Dapifer`
1024 - 1080
Senescal, Fledaldus
1046 - 1084
Fitz Flaald, Alan
1078 - 1113
FITZALAN, High Steward Walter
1106 - 1177
Fitz Walter STEWART, High Steward Alan
1126 - 1204
de Hesden, Avelina
1179 - 1250
deGalloway, Neil MacDuncan
1202 - 1256
Galloway, roland McDowall
Galloway, McDowall
1293 - 1368
Wardlaw, Henry II de
Wardlaw, Dau. of
Carmichael, William
Carmichael, Sir John
Carmichael, William
Carmichael, John
Carmichael, Sibella
Hoppringle, James
Hoppringle, James
Pringill, Elizabeth
Jack, James
Jack, Anna
Moir, Lady Elizabeth
Craig, Planter Lady Elizabeth
1719 - 1822
Syro, Saint Mary Magdalene
Damares, Queen Sarah~
Of The FRANKS, King Rathberius
0069 - 0090
Of The FRANKS, King Richemer
0090 - 0114
Of The FRANKS, King Odimer
0114 - 0128
Of The FRANKS, King Marcomir IV *******
0128 - 0149
Of The FRANKS, Clodomir IV
0129 - 0166
Of The FRANKS, King Farabert
0122 - 0186
Of The FRANKS, Sunno (Huano)
0137 - 0213
Of The FRANKS, King Hilderic
0212 - 0253
Of The FRANKS, King Bartherus
0238 - 0272
Of The FRANKS, King Clodius III
0264 - 0298
Of The FRANKS, Walter
0289 - 0306
du East Franks, Duke Dagobert
0230 - 0317
du East Franks, Clodomir IV
0251 - 0337
du East Franks, King Richimer II
0270 - 0350
du East Franks, Theodomir
0285 - 0360
du East Franks, Clodius V
0305 - 0378
of the East Franks, Duke Dagobert IV
0330 - 0389
VON THÜRINGEN du East Franks, Duke Genebald
0347 - 0419
VON THÜRINGEN du Franks, Argotta
du Franks, Chlodion le Chevelu
0380 - 0448
Mérovée, King Merovaeus
0411 - 0458
Meroving, King Childeric
0436 - 0481
of the Franks, Chlodéric Clovis I
0465 - 0511
de Vitré-en-Perthois, Duke Ferreolus
0505 - 0532
of Aquitaine, Baudgise I
0522 - 0581
de Soissons, Duchess Garritrude
0553 - 0649
de Neustrasia, Queen Ragnetrude
von Austrasia, Princess Adela
von Oeren, Abbess Irmina
0669 - 0718
von Ecternach, Countess Bertrada
de Laon, Queen Bertrada
0720 - 0783
Carolingians, Hermengarde
von Altdorf, Welf I
0778 - 0824
Von Altdorf, Empress Judith Andech
0800 - 0843
Carolingians, Princess Adelheid
de France, Countess Liegarde
de Vermandois, Queen Bertha
0880 - 0930
de Marvois, Princess Liegarde
0895 - 0931
de Vermandois, Duchess Alix
0910 - 0960
St. Saviour, Count Roger de
0946 - 1014
St. Saveur, Viscount Neil
St. Saveur, Fille de
LE BIGOD/Bigot, High Sheriff Knight Roger
1060 - 1107
Bigod, Gunnor
de Raleigh, Sir Richard
de Raleigh, Warine
1190 - 1242
de Ralegh, Simon, Sr.
1223 - 1287
de Ralegh, Sir Simon
1220 - 1301
Ralegh, Avicia
1301 - 1395
Malet, Sir John
1323 - 1349
Malet, Baldwin
1361 - 1416
Malet, Hugh
1399 - 1460
Malet, Thomas
1428 - 1502
Malet, Joana
1457 - 1505
FitzPen Phippen, Henry
1495 - 1562
Fitzpen Thickpenny, Sir John Joseph
1525 - 1583
Fitz Pen Phippen Thickpenny, Robert
1555 - 1589
Fitzpen, Owen
1582 - 1636
Fitzpen, John
1604 - 1644
Thigpen, Planter James I
1627 - 1679
I have one more; but it is a double line, therefore a repeat.
I have Beli Mawr 130-72 BCE (the Great) m. Anna ferch Mathonwy (d.95 BCE.
Their sons were, Cassivellauns who fought with Caesar when he invaded Britain (55-54). He is my 63rd g-uncle.
Beli Mawr's son, Afallach ap Beli, (100 BCE-70 BCE) is my 62nd g/grandfather.
Beli Mawr or any of his sons married into the Arimathea family.
Cassivellaunus' descendants are:
Son- Addedomaros -
Son- Dubnovellus -
Son- Beli (20 BCE) married Engygeus of Arimathea (17 BCE-81 BCE)
Beli met her in Rome where his father was exiled by his cousin Tasciovannus.
He is often confused with Beli Mawr (Heli-Beli) however, the dates are way out.
There are several Belis that can be, and are, easily confused.
Beli Mawr "The Great", {Fictitious, Mabinogion}
Heli (Helias, Beli), King of Britain
Beli ap Nechtan, Brenin Alt Clut
Just a few, for instance. Early genealogies conflate the legendary and mythical with the historical; one has to tread this ground very carefully.
You need to research Cassivellaunus then for further information.
There is a memorial plaque at Devil's Dyke in Hertfordshire that explains the Entrenchment being part of a British city built in the 1st century BCE and was probably here that Julius Caesar defeated the British King, Cassivellaunus in 56 BCE.
Cassivellaunus was a son of the great Beli.
Yes, Caswalian marks the line between the historical and the mythological.
Caswallan Cassivellaunos ap Beli, King of the Catuvellauni
That the genealogies give him the sun god (Beli Mawr) as a father is testament to the high regard he was held in.
On the contrary, about the comment about British Kings "not" being related to Jesus. Considering Jesus was a "real" man, and had siblings, just like any other normal family, then the idea that the male line of Joseph continued on is true for however long that male line extends. The chances of the relationship between Beli and the Virgin Mary are only as provable as science can prove. DO we have Mary's DNA on file? DO we have Beli's DNA on file? If so, let's compare the two and end the mystery. If we do not have their DNA, then documentation and recorded history is the only tool we have to find the answer, which... in this case, I believe will only be known if we get Mary's DNA. I personally know a "Lewis" who's tree descends back to the Welsh kings, and back to Beli himself.. an unbroken line of males over 2000 years old.. So, if you get Mary's DNA, let em know.. we can solve the Beli mystery.
Lord Bruce Ross Myers — the link you give above, to a page on FamilySearch, is not a reliable source. Sources for early profiles come from primary documents, or from reliable secondary sources that cite the primary documents from the time period in question.
Also it says, at the moment at least, that Beli Mawr died in Alabama.
Which I think not.
Lord Bruce Ross Myers -- Thanks! That collection of links nicely illustrates what I said up at the beginning of the thread -- Beli Mawr is what we call "semi-historical," meaning sort of historical but not really -- and though he appears in lots of early genealogies, they contradict each other, and also connect him to mythology in various ways.
Isolate profile I want to merge, you said, the customer service was getting into the issue that the real profile is the isolated, we need to work on the isolations, cause seems to me that Geni is doing it on purpose to not link the royalties, Ann you know the situation on hiding lineages so the past is not found, is wrong to keep the real profiles hidden, right Anne, names in another language that spells different, can you get on this issue, for I have been finding the real to merge, there are alot of trees to merger, lol, ya know what that will do, connect everyone, for we will not isolate, is that issue being looked after Anne, we need removal of lots of profiles, and people stop the tree, put in private so we can't find who they are cause ultimately they are hiding the links or they are connected to someone that they don't want us to know for privacy reasons to protect family matters, but lots of people pay to find the links to over seas is the one, so just sending stuff to compile, I know this info is not included as real factual sources but will lead to real sources also, we are building facts so can we add pages to these people we know are the right WIKI and things so we can identify that this is who and what it is and history of that isolated individual
Lord Bruce Ross Myers — what you are asking us to do goes against current Geni policy concerning mythological and fictional profiles.
This is a thread concerning one of the Beli Mawr profiles. The links you have given so far do not show him to be other than what we have in the Tree at this time.
If you would like to have a discussion about our policy of detaching mythological profiles from the Tree, please start a separate thread. This is not the place for that discussion. It’s much bigger than Beli Mawr.