Anne Souchay, SM/PROG - Anne Souchay's mt-Haplogroup Revealed

Started by Em Lo on Sunday, March 26, 2017
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Just a quick note to let everyone with an interest in stammoeder Anne Souchay know that Drummond Corrie and I, as co-administrators of the FTDNA Cape Dutch DNA Project (, have conducted quite extensive research during the past few months in order to identify the matrilineal ancestor of 3 of the project’s mt-haplogroup U4 contributors.

We found all 3 contributors’ matrilineal ancestor to be Anne Souchay. One of the contributors had HVR1, HVR2 as well as the coding region tested, and his results were able to refine her haplogroup to U4c1a. We have published an article detailing our research in eGGSA’s quarterly journal Genesis (volume 54, March 2017).

Oh fantastic! When / where will be able to read a copy? :-)
Please update everything that needs to be updated.
Request management on the profiles too.

Thank you again Em Lo and Private User for allowing us to at eGGSA and genesis to be the first to publish the article.

I have been burning to "skreeu dit van die dakke af."

Sharon Doubell it is in the latest genesis that was distributed this past week.


FYI - Anne Souchay’s haplogroup has just been refined by FTDNA during their recent Build 17 upgrade on 25/3/2017 from U4c1a to U4c1.

The previous build was based on the analysis of 8,216 modern mitogenomes, while Build 17 was designed using 24,275 mtDNA sequences - almost three times as much information. The update provides a finer resolution in terms of haplogroup assignment.

In a very few cases (as that of Anne Souchay) predicted haplogroups have reverted to a higher branch on the tree where the additional sequencing underpinning Build 17 did not provide supporting data to justify their existence.

Thanks, I'll update the Curator note.

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