Pieter Willem van Heerden, SV/PROG 1 - Y Haplogroup: R- M269

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, April 8, 2017
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Thanks to Jan Stephanus van Heerden, (Fanie) y R-FGC39522 mt U2c1 for uploading his DNA results - we now have a predicted haplogroup for the Stam Vader Progenitor as R- M269

This leads to further questions. :(

Anybody keeping track of the majority predicted yDNA from 'SV/PROGS' in RSA being R-M269? Perhaps compared against European yDNA make-up during the early 1700s?

Especially seen against the female mtDNA, those seem to be more unique, i.e. no clear dominance and almost all unique.... For me this seems strange given what we know today.

Would be nice to compare the European percentages (of those living) in RSA by % split by different yDNA and % split different mtDNA - we can easily track most PROGs - but tracking over all those living seems daunting?

Jan, I don't think these are unexpected in the way you think they are. A number of factors are involved and I'm thinking through them - so just putting them down here.

*They mutate at different speeds - MtDNA is 4 to 5 times slower than YDNA - so those haplogroups tend to be far older than the Y.
*Male pattern conquest in history, has the effect of wiping out most of the other YDNA in an area - reducing the diversity.
*The reason we have far more slave grannies than grandpas is also shaped by a patriarchal society's practices , hence more diversity in mtDNA, because more grannies
*The closer you get to the earliest human populations, the more diverse their genetics - our African slave grannies are quite likely to be from far more diverse DNA than our European grannies.

I will research a bit more as these are just off the top of my head and I'm not an expert in the area.

*Also, most of the Y tests we've had aren't specific enough to separate out the real sub groups.

So, perhaps, a good part of the reason is that we, the descendants in the project, are all White - so our Progenitors don't include many Black males (for reasons of patriarchal practices of rape and polygany), and our male ancestors come from a bottle neck European population (dominated by R-M269). If our sample set was more representative of South Africa's real population we'd see more diversity in the male DNA.

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