Considering the conclusive evidence that many leading genealogists have provided, and the conclusions they have arrived at pertaining to the ancestry of MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג [as summarised under the profile of NOT Maharal's יהודה בן בצלאל {או בן יצחק} Loew, The Elder] i.e that he WAS NOT descended from NOT Maharal's יהודה בן בצלאל {או בן יצחק} Loew, The Elder (and therefore his descent from King David of Israel is thrown into question, see this article- by Private User) it seems rather strange that this connection is still showing in all its glory here on Geni. I would like to believe that Geni is not just a collection of legends and myths but rather something more substantive. I mean, proof is proof. Let us not bury our heads in the sand.