Frosti / Jøkull Karasson, King of Kvenland - Please mark this profile as legendary king or myth king

Started by Magnus Eriksson on Thursday, May 11, 2017
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All pre-viking age nordic kings, and some viking age saga kings, should i.m.o. be marked as "legendary king" or "myth king" in their title fields. I am not entitled to do enter that in this profile.

If you want to propose this as a general principle, please raise it as such - at the moment, some are marked {legendary}, some are marked {fictional}, some are unmarked. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on the matter.

I have raised this issue in a couple of forum threads. Recently, someone preferred legendary king over fictional/mythological/fairy/saga king. However, the exact term is not important i.m.o. The issue here is that this profile is not marked at all, and I am not entitled to edit it.

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