I started this project with the hope of better understanding what these men were like. At the time of writing here I am still in a fact finding mode.
What I notice is the lack of comment elsewhere on this topic.
So far I've identified an extremely small number of profiles of each Company of the 8th. I am concentrating for the moment on Companies A and C. Company A for their involvement at Wounded Knee and Company C because I have an ancestor who served.
In going over the enlistment records that include nationality of origin and places of enlistment, a number of things begin to become apparent.
1: Many were immigrants
2: Many were poor and remained so
3: Some of these first I've examined were involved in petty crime
4: Many served multiple tours of duty. (One tour typically lasted 5 years)
5: Some deserted
6: No matter where individuals were born or enlisted, many ended up in California
7: Those who served between 1885-1891 did not see much combat but did endure hardship and witnessed the aftermath of combat
8: They travelled long distances between assignments and posts
I'll be adding other thoughts here as I progress through the records