Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' of Normandy - A previously unknown connection

Started by Alex Moes on Thursday, June 22, 2017
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Hello Private User,

Would you be kind enough to share your source for connecting Walter Rolfsson as a son of Rollo? I resolved the tree conflicts created by the duplicates you created but I have held off on disconnecting Walter for the time being.

Yes, I am researching now. I will give sources as soon as I have verified them. Griselle of Normandy is a daughter of Hrolfrollo and Gisela as well. She married Herbert De La Mare. I will supply sources soon.

Griselle of Normandy and Herbert De La Mare had one son Walter Fitzherbert de la Mare

I also have ordered an expert test from igenea. I will add the results to my profile once i have them.

Without citing sources, I'd like to first point out the obvious. 1) The name - Walter (Christian) Rolfsson (implying the son of Hrolf). 2) The date and place of birth 3) The downward lineage. Of course William being the eldest Christian son would get the title. However...... all the sons got something!

Thanks for starting a discussion!

The question is whether this Walter in fact:
1) existed
2) was the son of Rollo

There are lots of cases where people claimed descent from famous figures, and it turned out that some enterprising genealogist had either misstated the paternity, or invented the person out of whole cloth.

Unfortunately the Internet is full of trees with these fictional profiles.

When you walk down the tree from Walter, the first documented profile is Sir Ralph de Chesney, I - the profile notes that the identity of his father is uncertain, and might be wrong.

Research Thorbard Herbert de la Mare, 1st Lord of St. Opportune-la-Mare and his wife Griselle Rolfsdatter. And why would Rolfs daughter by any other woman be named Griselle? Griselle=Giselle's daughter. I will keep my research up and have something verifiable soon.

Cite your sources. Please!

Looks like David deleted his statement claiming that Walter Rolfsson is a son of Rollo, so I consider this discussion as closed.

I'm afraid the rootsweb link doesn't qualify as a "source", since it doesn't say where the information was taken from. This is what I mean by "there's a lot of speculative trees out there". As for the link to Rollo on Geni - that's what we are discussing, and that profile will be changed according to the outcome of the discussion.

Well, at least rootsweb claim that Rollo was from Norway, but that is another never ending discussion...

I've cut the link from William to Rollo, and added a note about the lack of sources in William's "about me".
We can always update the profiles if sources are found.

The coat of arms attached to Williams profile is enough for me to conclude that it is a falsification.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, presumably you meant to say Walter, William is still connected (thankfully!)

No, but since you say thankfully about still keeping Walter Rolfsson connected as the son I assume you can come up with some sources, and please give me some source for the coat of arms connected to that profile :-)

Ill share my thesis here after peer review. Thanks for your time. Hopefully my paper will clear a little confusion.

Bjorn, ://William "Longsword" is still connected.
Harald disconnected Walter ftom Rollo, correctly in my opinion.

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