Erdemard Fikkesdotter Bülow was indeed the third spouse of Måns Bengtsson (28 September, 466 Göksholm) but could not be the mother of Tuve Månsson. 1466 Tuve Månsson was already a time captain, mentioned in 1564 in Vyborg as a senior officer. (Letter from Bishop Konrad Bitz to King Charles Knuut on November 9, 1984, Diplomatarium Fennicum).
Erdemard (b. 1445) was 11 yeards old when Tåve Månsson birth in 1466!
Also Erdemard's mother Hebbla (b. 1445) was born same year when her daughter!
This family tree can not hold true!
My proposal is that Erdemard removed from Tove's mother.. or to replace unknown mother for him.