Aletha. That is a good one. I do not think they were that romantic in those days but for sure they did renew their marriage commitments quite often.
I think you have a point with Maria Kikkers and Maria Kickers I am of opinion that they are two different persons. My 7th greartgrand father Jan Coenraad Visser S/V/PROG had a daughter with Maria Kikkers see link
Geertje Aeltje Gerritz, SM/PROG Maybe you can ask Delia of First Fifty Years for her opinion
No~!,no,! no!, That was not my Grandfather Jan Coenraad, because he had at on one or other time a relationship with every woman in the Cape Maria included.. Family gossip had it that he was a very attractive person. They call at one stage "Jan Grof" due to the way he handles the women. Just joking. The best place to look will be First Fifty Years
On Maria Botha, SM/PROG 's profile: Note: Maria Kickers had nothing to do with Jan Coenraadsz Visser ( she is probably confused with Maria Kikkert, an unsourced partner of Jan Coenraad Visser in SAG).
Charlette Louise Hoppe have you uploaded both documents?
=I have 2 different copies of Stellenbosch marriage records with regard to Frederik Bota and Maria Kickers. The 21 Jun 1714 gives their names as Frederik Bota and Maria Kikkers and the 21 Jun 1717 record as Fred.k Bota and Maria Kikkers.=
Oh, I see - I'd just assumed you were talking about the Kikkert on SAG.
We usually use the oldest documented surname spelling - (unless it's patently a misspelling) -
I think the first spelling we have of her surname is in her previous marriage:
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar), 1665-1695: eodem dito (den 11 Julii) Jan Cornelisz van Outbeierlant vryman, en Maria Kickers Jonge dochter., transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/.