any reason why (evidence?) John Thomas Mills, Jr. is labeled "Jr." when you have his father as a Robert?
in my personal database, which I've held since 1973, I've John Mills & Susannah Chapman as his parents. I have evidences, but here's just one: His Will:
From Wills of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia:
MILLS, JOHN, 5 March, 1682/3; 26 June, 1683:
Very sick and weak of body but perfect of sence.
To sonn Robert Mills one hundred and fourty acres of land bounding upon a deep Swamp Joyning upon Anthony North excepting the mount valay and ye North side of the Valley which I doe reserve for my two younger Sonns for timber.
To Sonn John Mills one hundred and fourty Acres of Land bounding upon his Brother Robert. The remaining of the said Divident to Land to be equally divided betwixt the two younger Brothers Henry and James Mills and if either of them die without issue ye Survivor of either of them to have all the Land to himselfe.
To my two daughters Martha and Jane one heifer apiece and if either of the said heifers should dy without Increase they are to be made good out of the stock.
To my son James Mills one yearling Cow Calf of the breed of the Cow called Cherry.
To my son Henry Mills one cow his Choice out of the Stock.
To the two younger Brothers one Mare and her Increase betwixt them both also to them one ffeather bed betwixt them but they are not to take it out of the house as long as the aforesaid James Mills doth Stay with his Mother.
To my son John Mills one long gun.
Wife Executrix.
Wit. JOHN KINGE, aged 26 years or thereabouts,
JOHN ROBERTS, aged 35 years or thereabouts,
WILL MACKENNY, aged 60 years or thereabouts.
Methinks you've made his brother Robert, as his father.