Christoffel "Kit" Davidts - Birth place

Started by Alex Moes on Friday, November 10, 2017
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11/10/2017 at 4:30 PM

The data field currently has "Beverwijik, Noord Holland, Netherlands" but the About, and most other websites, explains Christopher was from England?

Private User
11/10/2017 at 5:18 PM

Hi Alex,
He testified on Sep 3, 1658 as to his age (42) and birthplace (England). He was named after his English father, Christopher Davis. Having a Dutch mother, it isn't hard to imagine why you'd find his name recorded in the Dutch version of it; not to mention that he lived and married among the Dutch.
I suppose that it is safe to say he was born in England. As safe as to say I was born in Tacoma. [I was, you can take my word for it. ;-)]
I noticed this before, sorry I didn't change it then. Thanks for bringing it up. It needs correcting.

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