Isaac Ross, Sr. - Ancestry of Isaac Ross

Started by Les Ross on Wednesday, November 22, 2017
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11/27/2017 at 11:23 AM

Have you heard about the DNA, R-M512, for Isaac Ross?
It is unique DNA and he would be related to George Ross, POW of Cromwell to MA. George and his family passed through Essex, New Jersey from their records. One family of John Rosses crossed iino Middlesex, NewJersy from Essex, New Jersey.
By the DNA Isaac Ross could not be related to Hugh Ross as thought father of William Ross of Martin, NC. Nor could Isaac be related to the family of Dr. Alexander Ross in Middlesex.
Here is a graph of the DNA on

11/27/2017 at 11:45 AM

Who could be related?
John Ross of Woodbridge, b. about 1705 could be a brother and John Ross his father of Essex, and later Woodbridge, NC are candidates as they were from Woodbridge, and the only Essex Rosses in Woodbridge I have found.
Who else?
One of the other Essex Rosses of the same age. But there is only an Essex legend of John Ross, of Woodbride and a John Ross, lost at Sea being in Woodbridge that has been seen.
Where to see it?
Old family trees.

11/27/2017 at 11:58 AM

And a family book or two with sources.
Family search.

I suppose Isaac could have migrated direct from overseas. But don't have evidence on that.

11/27/2017 at 1:22 PM

You’re getting good on reading the DNA test results.

I know for my lowland Scotch Irish there was a generation or two of back & forth from Scotland and Ireland before migration to the Americas. But the POWs would be Highlands and not part of those flows.

11/27/2017 at 4:48 PM

True, Isaac's progenitor would have been quite content to stay in Scotland but for the War.
This site is a reference to DNA of next generation of Isaac in South Carolina. An Abner Ross neighbor in South Carolina claims same DNA to Isaac Ross. Not only that but Abner had roots in Union and Essex Counties, NJ. And Abner has genealogy to George Ross POW.

Everything pointing the same direction. Abner's generations on another page.

11/28/2017 at 4:14 AM

That direction was New Jersey. The following is the will of John Ross of Woodbridge, 1764, who has a brother John already deceased (New Jersey Calender of Wills,

Nov. 6. Ross, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co: will of. Son, James, my apparel, My personal and real estate and my right in the boat called "Huming Bird," to be sold. Wife, Ursilla L20. Daughter, Mary L30. The rest of money to my wife and daughters, Mary and Jane--executors--my son, James Ross of Piscataway, John Ross, son of my brother, John Ross, deceased, and David Crow. Witnesses--Janes Dranke. Lewis Stelle, Joseph Davis, Proved Nov. 28. 1764

Note: Old Essex Ross trees on computers before the internet had John Ross of Woodbridge, lost at sea in Indonesia, in 1718-19? But he had a will in 1764 in Woodbridge. Familysearch had them as two with the same date of death. Change the date for John Ross of Woodbridge and I see possible father lost at sea and son dcd in Woodbridge, 1764. Anyone have a better view?
These families often traveled in groups so you might see others with them.
They have a family book that may have this legend of a Woodbridge John Ross.

11/28/2017 at 10:05 AM

Does someone have these the family book or the old trees?
The question is, was Isaac Ross related to the Essex or Union Ross families by the John Rosses of Woodbridge or by some other way or parents?
Any thoughts?
What do we need?

11/28/2017 at 10:07 AM

Two comments

- migration from New Jersey to North Carolina was definitely a thing. Do we know the religion? Because I associate with Baptist & Quaker, not Presbyterian

- death at sea in Indonesia is suspect. Old Ancestral File Records would pick up strange locations in the early days of computerization

11/28/2017 at 12:31 PM

Isaac Ross and Jean Brown have grave markers at the Presbyterian Church in Concord, NC by an above reference with photos. Will look for record of where the lost at sea is from.

11/29/2017 at 6:45 AM

John Ross

Elizabeth, Essex, New Jersey

Sea, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia


11/29/2017 at 3:33 PM

Hmm, another Ross, Ann Ross, and her Mother Theodosia were shipwrecked in Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia. Theodosia was born 1794 in Edinburgh, time period and same presumed place as George Ross, POW.

11/29/2017 at 4:06 PM

East India Company merchants ?

11/29/2017 at 4:25 PM

Lots of Ross merchants.

11/30/2017 at 7:44 AM

Good thought. Wikipedia says the British had Malaysia with a tight monopoly. The Dutch had Indonesia but did not have complete control of the spice trade.

12/3/2017 at 4:30 PM

American entry into spice trade, 1670:

12/4/2017 at 12:47 PM

If we don't have these profiles on Geni, could use "create a branch" on the Family menu to spin off it's own tree.

8/12/2019 at 1:14 PM

A Joseph Ross, son of Abagail Ailling and John Ross named Joseph Ross, was born in Essex but dcd in Piscataway, NJ (familysearch). And Piscataway, NJ was the place of the son of brother John Ross mentioned on the will of John Ross of Woodbridge, wife Ursula, 1764, The name of Joseph Ross, Isaac Ross and John Ross appear on another record attributed to Essex, County, New Jersey. What are your thoughts on this new reference.
"Ezekiel Roes, Isaac Ross, John Ross, Joseph Ross.

2/8/2020 at 10:50 AM

Isaac Ross by DNA is related to the Matheson Clan in Wester Ross as pointed out by Kelley Moores. The Mathesons and the Ross Clan trace back to King O'Beolan, the first of the O'Beolan Abbots of Applecross, and then some. Thus Isaac Ross could be related to his Ross neighbors in NJ and NC on the Maternal line the time period unknown.

l. This link below is of an Abner Ross with DNA that traces to Essex, New Jersey and were living in South Carolina with the family of Isaac, Ross, Sr.
2. Isaac Ross, Sr had a daughter named Abigail, the same name as Abigail Ailling, wife of John Ross, Essex.. The Essex Ross have John Ross of Woodbtidge, Middlesex, NJ as related to Abigail Ailling and John Ross of Essex.
3. Several of the name Issac Ross were in Essex, NJ.
4. Joseph Ross of Essex has a Piscataway connection.

Anyone want to help with that connection?

2/24/2020 at 3:54 PM

Correction of the first comment: Isaac Ross Sr. could be related to his Ross neighbors on the maternal line. For example someone of Isaac's DNA could have married a Ross Clan daughter.

2/24/2020 at 4:20 PM

Joseph Ross may be the Attorney in 1741 in Middlesex, NJ. Familysearch has Joseph Ross as son of John Ross and Abigail Ailling, although Geni has her name as Abigail Spinning which may be correct.

The record shows a presence in Middlesex.

2/24/2020 at 5:53 PM

The confusing Abigail Spinning Ross Ross ...

“ There is confusion over 2 women, Abigail Alling, daughter of John Alling, b. New Haven, 23 Nov 1673 and Abigail Spinning, daughter of Humphrey Spinning who mentions Abigail in his will. Abigail Alling would be too young to give birth to the children of John Ross.”

She married 1) John Ross 2) his brother Daniel Ross

Abigail Ross

I think some of her children are untraced.

2/24/2020 at 10:59 PM

Abigail Ailing has dates that don't fit. Abigail Spinning has a sister who is married to George Ross, brother of John Ross, Abigail's husband. Abigail Spinning has dates that match. And Abigail Spinning has a brother Benjamin Ross who may be namesake of her son Benjamin Ross; but the main thing is the date differences just don't work for Abigail Ailling. I like your quote.

2/25/2020 at 7:11 PM

Son John of Abigail Spinning and John Ross said by Essex Ross to have removed to Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ (see above posts):
Birth, 1783, Elizabeth, Essex, New Jersey,
Death, 1718, Sea, Indonesia

John Ross, Jr.

2/26/2020 at 2:19 PM

George Ross, b. 1629, same DNA as Isaac Ross.

George Ross of Elizabethtown

2/26/2020 at 6:09 PM

From his profile:


Three male descendants of George Ross have tested & are participants in the Ross Surname Project at Family Tree DNA. They carry Haplogroup R-M512. They are a match to one descendant of James Ross and one descendant of Isaac Ross, Sr.. Also several other Scottish prisoners of war... George Brush & William Thompson, of Kittery. Most importantly, they are all a match to descendants of Chief of Clan Murdoch Buidhe Matheson.

That definitely calls into question this idea that George of Elizabethtown was descended from any Rosses of Balnagown.

DNA matches:

2/26/2020 at 6:21 PM

Are we seeing a trend toward Scots POWs from the Battle of Dunbar 1650? This is fascinating. These guys are legend.

2/26/2020 at 6:28 PM

George Brush/Bruce of Woburn - Private User please take due notice.

We have Y DNA matches to other Scots POWs, to Ross immigrants, and a “deep ancestry” clue.

2/28/2020 at 7:24 AM

It is fascinating.
One question about the possible ancestry of Isaac Ross, Sr. is was there a John Ross Sr. of Middlesex, NJ. I found this note of apparently an old deed registered much later regarding a land transaction:
Middlesex County Deed Abstraacts 974.941 R25m
1. (P 1)
JONATHAN WILKISON to ALEXANDER EDGAR 28 January 1756 - Jonathan Wilkinsoon of Woodbridge ... Middlesex County ... New Jersey (sold to Alex Edgar, George Brown, Jonathan Alstone and James Pike "being a Committee chosen and appointed by the Eldest Presbyterian Congregation in the s(?) township... to purchase a House Parsonage House & land for the use of their minister....(text ommitted)....(land is in Woodbridge)....(Adjacent land owners or names - John Ross Jun, Alex Edgara, George Brown, Jonathan Alstone, James Pike, Jonathen Wilkinson, Mary Jackson)...(Witness-David Dunham....Recorded-5 Maarch 1877; First Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge.)
1. John Ross, Woodbridge, 1756, with designation Jr. indicates an earlier John Ross, Sr.
2. John Ross of Woodbridge, will 1764, wife, Ursula, deceased brother John of Piscataway.

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