Rowland Taylor, Archdeacon of Exeter - Bad merge!

Started by Private User on Sunday, November 26, 2017
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Private User
11/26/2017 at 10:09 AM

Looks like someone has merged the wrong Father onto this profile. Rowland Taylor's father was John Taylor but it is now showing up as John Taylor and William Taylor II Master of the Rolls of the Court of Chancery as his Fathers.

Can a Curator help me out fixing this 11th GGF of mine. Thanks.

Private User
11/26/2017 at 11:29 AM

Please correct this as you wish . I am bewildered with all of the contradictions.Steve

11/26/2017 at 4:37 PM

I’ve done some cleanup but there are kids that need to go away

Private User
11/26/2017 at 4:57 PM

Thanks Erica. Definitely, some kids need to go, lol.

11/26/2017 at 5:06 PM

Private User Maria's curator notes has the Martyr's ancestry as follows:

Son of the triplet John Taylor
Son of Wiliam Taylor & Joan
(hazy) son of William Taylor master of the Rolls

Also if you can post your path to Rowland who got burned up, it will help me. Pretty please?

11/26/2017 at 5:19 PM

Sure, go ahead.

Private User
11/26/2017 at 5:21 PM

This is how it was. Doesn't matter if my line is burned as long as it's right :)


Arthur Willkings Newkirk, Jr.
your father

Arthur Willkings Newkirk, Sr.
his father

Florence Newkirk
his mother

John W Mercer
her father

Sarah Mercer
his mother

Edward Taylor, Sr
her father

John Taylor
his father

Phillip Taylor Sr.
his father

Thomas Taylor, Sr
his father

Col. John Taylor, Sr.
his father

Capt. Thomas Taylor
his father

Thomas Taylor
his father

Rowland Taylor, Archdeacon of Exeter

11/26/2017 at 5:28 PM

Disconnected kids, help finding their correct families appreciated. I'm using the list posted in Margaret Elizabeth Wright profile for the real kids.

Not known to be a child of Rowland & Margaret were:

Joan Taylor

Emma Hester

(probably more)

11/26/2017 at 6:04 PM

Additional source quote:

" By his [Rowland Taylor's] wife, whom he married probably about 1539, he had nine children, of whom four survived him. The eldest son's name was Thomas, and a daughter Anne married William Palmer (1539?–1605) [q. v.] His widow married one Wright, a divine (Parker Corresp. p. 221). Jeremy Taylor [q. v.] is said (Heber, Life of Jeremy Taylor) to have been a lineal descendant of Rowland Taylor, but the assertion has not been proved (Notes and Queries, 7th ser. ii. 56). "Taylor, Rowland". Dictionary of National Biography. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900.,_Rowland_(DNB00)_

11/26/2017 at 7:00 PM

Detached a daughter who married a Hooker, merged some dups, and we’re down to the correct 9 children ! Be still my heart !!!

Karl David Wright there is a mess down around Thomas Taylor

Surely he didn’t have 17 children.

Sourcing efforts appreciated

Private User
11/26/2017 at 7:27 PM

LOL, thanks so much Erica. You're the best!

11/26/2017 at 8:10 PM

John Taylor can you check this one out? One of the two wives was replaced with s different one according to the notes?

11/26/2017 at 8:31 PM

I don’t understand why the children of Thomas Taylor are listed as born in Pennington Castle when he’s from Hadleigh in Suffolk.

Private User
11/26/2017 at 9:09 PM


I've just started this 2 weeks ago without any help or clue how site works. I'm not sure the results I would get from paying for a service. So I tried this site. I scoured the web and not Google for information. It wasn't until yesterday that I realized that my creation of a personal tree would interfere with others users trees. I'm sorry that I caused any problems. I won't touch anymore profiles up that line. I'm sorry to be a problem. Please correct my errors that I made.

11/26/2017 at 9:15 PM

No worries and welcome to Geni, Private User

You may have noticed that there were a lot of Tayors. :). We're glad to have you join the effort to get the lines correct. With everyone's help, Geni can be the "go to" for trees on the web. The further back we go, the more likely it is someone else entered the profile already, so it's not necessary to re enter - just to "hook on" and help get it right p.

11/26/2017 at 9:32 PM

Private User

You may want to check out this very recent comment about your ancestor's possible mother :

"Richard Taylor married about 1714 Mary Stone, dtr of Samuel Stone of Baltimore. Samuel Taylor bc 1716 was their eldest son as per court record (lease) when they lived in Stafford Co., Va. Probably named for his grandfather Stone. By 1728 they had moved to Goochland. There is a section in today's Cumberland Co., which was not added to Cumberland until 1778. This is where the Taylors lived and has made research of this family often confusing and conflicting."

Capt. Samuel Daniel Taylor

Private User
11/26/2017 at 10:32 PM

Thank you Erica for your help and time.
I'll check out her profile, that's a big help! It makes sense that Goochland, Cumberland and Albemarle, were in roughly the same area in Virginia where the borders were moved a few times in the early 1700's.
I got quite a bit of my dates and names from Ancestry com. Are they an ok source? I about feel over too when I saw 16 kids..
I've been moving through county maps and his deed and locations and have a idea that the land patent was somewhere south of the current town of Buckingham along south James Madison Highway. The Samuel Taylor would have lived or had ties in this area. His great grandson Thomas P. would have been born here as listed on the census.
Thank you for your time.

11/26/2017 at 11:07 PM

Question particularly for Arthur

What's this guy with the 4 wives doing born in Wales, dying in Maryland, buried in Virginia, and descended from the Burned Up Taylor of Hadleigh in Suffolk?? Something ain't right ...

Thomas Taylor

11/26/2017 at 11:16 PM

Private User I ran the ancestor report from your profile to spot any duplicates, there weren't many, and I got them merged in. Say hi! to your cousin / profile co manager. It gave me a chance to see some of the notes you're making, they are great. You obviously are taking this seriously in a difficult area. If your source is an ancestry tree, you lucked into a careful compiler. I tend to use Rootsweb and mailing lists for Virginia / North Carolina because I get more details, narrative, and citations than from other sources. Ancestry of course has some great documents to use though.

The thing to watch out for is crossing over to England, ancestry (and many other) internet trees (including FindAGrave) are just terrible. Geni can be pretty bad too but we try harder.

I live for profile notes & sources, once they're in a profile I and other curators are happy to make them master profiles to protect the data.

11/27/2017 at 1:14 AM

Erica Howton, yup it looks like the various merges have pulled in a lot of stuff that makes no sense. The resource that Anne Brannen provided should help sort it out. I might be able to look at this a bit this evening, with luck.

11/27/2017 at 1:23 AM

John Taylor lost a 1st wife, gained one he didn't have, and separately attracted some random Taylor girls to be his unknown father, he's been a busy boy since last time I visited !

Simple guide:

(there's good land records for him at LVA)

11/27/2017 at 1:32 AM

Erica Howton, I also contacted Rebecca Jaye Taylor about her private profile married to John Taylor . I asked her to make her alive.

11/27/2017 at 1:33 AM

sorry, meant "make her *unalive*"

11/27/2017 at 2:18 AM

I fixed up Col. John's wives, and his second son William J born in Northern Ireland.
I think he's back to his usual self now...

11/27/2017 at 3:59 AM

Erica Howton, there are two William Taylors who are born 8 years apart to the same parents. Both are master profiles:

William Taylor

William ‘the carpenter’ Taylor, of Assawoman

Private User is the curator for both of these.
Based on your research, I cannot see how this can be correct, but I cannot fix it.

11/27/2017 at 9:58 AM

Erica Howton, none of the sources I know of have family details for a Thomas Taylor b. 1637. I've unlinked obvious errors -- e.g. somebody had confused this Virginia Thomas with another quite distinct Taylor family line in Maryland, and there was also a Richard II as a child of this Thomas. One of Thomas's wives went with the family in Maryland and the other stayed with him.

Beyond that, without a source, I can only apply common-sense fixes, looking at dates and places and making sure it all is consistent.

At any rate, he's no longer a "Thomas Sr." because he does not appear to have a son Thomas. Some web trees I've seen have one, and I explored a merge within Geni with a Thomas Sr. 1628, but the birthdate of our Thomas is pretty well determined and 1628 is not consistent. I'll update the overview accordingly, but any source recommendations you have I'd like to see.

11/27/2017 at 10:31 AM

Disconnected William Taylor of Concord from the Virginia family

11/27/2017 at 10:59 AM

Also not listed and disconnected

Capt. Philip Taylor, Burgess

Richard Taylor

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