The Jacques Delport who is the son of Seigneur Isaac de la Porte and Louise de Pons
and who married, on May 6, 1613, Catherine de Morel, Dame de Chadurie
died in 1654 in France. (from the site translated below)
Our Jacques dies on 9 December 1739 in the Cape.
Pending contradicting documentation, I am disconnecting the SA progenitor from the family described below
- XIIth. - PORTE (ÏSAAC DE LA), squire, lord of Châtillon, Saint-Genis, La Vallade, married:
1 ° Louise DE PONS [7], daughter of high and powerful messire Jacques, knight, ordinary gentleman of the king's room, lord and baron of Mirambeau, lord of Courpignac in part, of Brouage, Montelin and Pigneul, etc., issued the lords of Pons and one of the brothers-in-arms of Henry IV, when he was prince of Bearn and leader of the Protestants at La Rochelle, and the late Marie de La Porte, lady of Champniers and Chambon, The contract was passed June 22, 1603, at the castle of Mirambeau, in front of Deschamps, royal notary in Saintonge, in the presence of Jean de La Porte, squire, lord of Vieilleville and Beaucaire, uncle of the future; Jean de La Porte, squire, lord of La Vallade, his brother; High and mighty Messire Nicolas de Bonnefoy, Lord of Bretauville, Knight, Ordinary Gentleman of the King's Chamber and Governor of the City of Pons; high and powerful Arnaud de Piedmont, lord of Colombier and Neufvy, governor of the city and castle of Angouleme; high and powerful Claude de Rouzières, lord of Cheronac and Congonzac; Jean de la Garde, squire, lord of Nanteuil and Deffends; Jean de Bonnefoy, squire, lord of La Gorce and Maumont; Abel Regnaud, squire, Sieur de Sais or Sée (Vars Parish), Servolles and Fonciron, tall and powerful Benjamin de Ranconnet, lord of Coires, Poullignac and Le Repaire; Jean de Mergey, squire, lord of Beaulieu and Chastelards; Jean de Saint-Genis, squire, Sieur du Puy and La Brunate; and Pierre de La Porte, squire, sieur de La Resilliere, all parents of the future: and on the side of the future, of his father; high and powerful lady Madeleine de Cruc, dowager of Rioux, Courpignac, etc., her maternal grandmother; High and mighty Messire Jacques de Beaumont, ordinary gentleman of the king's chamber, lord of Rioux and Beaumont, partly, etc., his uncles by marriage; High and powerful Sir Louis Poussard, Baron du Vigean, his first cousin; high and powerful lady Jeanne d'Aubeterre, lady of Mirambeau; Louise de Pons, lady of Usson; Esther de Pons, lady of Fors and Vigean; Jeanne de La Porte, lady of Rioux, her aunts; Claude Marain, squire, lord of La Vigerie, Coussac; and others, his relatives and friends.
From this marriage are derived:
1 ° JACQUES, who follows;
2 ° N., captain of a company on foot, designated under the name of Saint-Genis in the safe-conduct which was delivered to him at Cognac to go with his troop of Pons to Saint-Genis;
3 ° MARIE-MADELEINE, married, by contract of February 27th, 1630, passed before Joyeulx, royal notary, with Jehan de Morel, squire, lord of Thiac, the Vigier of Salles and Nanteuil, son of the late Raimond, squire, lord of said places, and Jacquette Raimond;
4 ° LOUISE, said major of 25 years, January 19, 1635, in an agreement passed Beaumont, before Gouaud, notary, between and Jacques and Madeleine, his brother and sister, with Messire Henri du Lau, lord of Cellettes, etc., about the division that had been made in the Court and Parliament of Bordeaux, January 2, 4610, after the death of Jacques de Pons and Marie de La Porte, Lord and Lady of Mirambeau, their grandfather and grandmother. She married high and powerful Daniel DE SAULIÈRES, lord of Nanteuil, in Périgord, whom she
He was widowed, before March 14, 1657, with children whose elder was called ISAAC.......
- XIII-PORTE (JACQUES DE LA), squire, lord of Saint-Genis in part, Mirambeau [8] and Courpignac, served in the armies of King Louis XIII and received from this monarch, November 6, 1635, a commission to raise a company of a hundred men of war in the Saintonge regiment.
He married, on May 6, 1613, Catherine DE MOREL [9], lady of Chadurie, eldest daughter of Raimond, squire, lord of Thiac and Nanteuil, in Périgord, and Vigier de Salles, and Jacquette Raimond, rehearsal of said fire Lord of Thiac, and who was then wife of the lord of Chatillon since May 6, 1613; her older brother was Jean de Morel, squire, lord of Thiac and Vigier de Salles, 25 years old, living in the noble home of Salles, barony of Villebois (now Valletta), where the contract was signed before Joyeulx a royal notary, in the presence of Isaac de Morel, squire, Sieur de Loches, and Pierre de Morel, squire, sieur de Saint-Martin, also his younger brothers; of Jean de Morel, squire, sieur de La Chabaudie, and of Elie de Morel, squire, sieur de Puyrousseau, his first cousins; of Francois de La Place, squire, sieur de La Prade; and others, his relatives and friends.
He passed, on November 22, 1631, in front of Jolly, royal notary at Angouleme, an agreement concerning the succession of the late Madeleine de Cruc, lady of Rioux and Beaumont, whose mother Louise de Pons, whom he represented, was legatee, with high and powerful Henri du Lau, squire, lord of Chambon, Champniers and Cellettes, husband of Henriette de Pons, daughter of Jacques II, baron of Mirambeau, and Marie of the Porte de Champniers, exit of a Beaupoil Saint-Aulaire; and high and powerful Gideon de Pressac of Lioncel, Baron de Lisle, in Périgord, and La Chièze, husband of Marie de Pons. By means of this arrangement, he remained the owner of the entire land and seigniory of Beaumont.
From his marriage came:
1 ° HENRI, who follows;
2 ° ARMAND, whose filiation will be reported in § V;
3 ° MADELEINE, married, by contract of December 28, 1653, with Charles DE LIVENNE, esquire, lord of Grosbost, parish of Saint-Genis, son of Pierre, esquire, and Renée de Montlieu;
4 ° JACQUETTE, married, by contract of June 3, 1653, passed to Saint-Genis, in front of Couvidat, royal notary, with Jehan PRÉVOST, knight, lord of Moulins and Genac., Eldest son of Regne, knight, lord of Moulins, and the late Madeleine de La Porte;
5 ° LOUISE, married with Pierre FAMÉE, rather FUMÉE ou FUMEL, écuyer, whose daughter, named Marie, died single, in 1678, after the death of her mother. Henri, Armand and Louise were minors during the inventory which was made on July 21, 1654, at the request of their mother, after the death of their father, arrived at the castle of Saint-Genis on June 18, and passed together a a transaction with their mother to settle their inheritance rights, which they shared on March 26, 1656.
Jacques had commanded a company of cavalry in the troops of the Prince de Condé, chief of the Fronde, under the minority of Louis XIV. but he declared on the 21st of March, 1652, before the King's Attorney at Saintes, to avail himself of the benefit of the edict of Nantes, promising not to take any further advantage or bear arms against his Majesty.
His widow shared, on March 27, 1656, in Beaumont, with Henri, his eldest son, to whom remained the seigniory of said Beaumont with its old pre-closing, as they had been determined before Cellier, royal notary, by the transaction made in 1616 by the late Madeleine de Pons, lady of Mirambeau, and her co-heirs, in the succession of the late Dame Madeleine de Crue. She died at La Vigerie, parish of Cravant, July 7, 1662; on the 26th of the same month, an inventory of his estate was taken by the judge of the land, seigniory and jurisdiction of Saint-Genis.