Former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, now connected to the wider Clan Cameron

Started by Private User on Saturday, January 20, 2018
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Private User
1/20/2018 at 12:55 AM

Yesterday, I connected up former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with the already existing wider Clan Cameron part of the tree.

He is a direct descendant of Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, 17th Chief of Clan Cameron, who is his 8th great grandfather.

Also of note, for those with an interest, he is King George III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland's 6th great grandson via William IV of the United Kingdom, and therefore, a 7th cousin of Prince George of Wales and Princess Charlotte of Wales (and any potential future offspring of Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex).

1/21/2018 at 1:54 AM

I to am related to all you just mentioned .. awesome isnt it ...

1/21/2018 at 6:29 AM

Would Prime Minister Cameron's y-DNA be on record.
A very likely rumour is that King George III is my great great great great grandfather.
My great x4 grandmother was a chambermaid at the Brighton summer palace and is reported as having three bastard children by the King. My uncle looked exactly like King George VI in his military uniform. So there must be some truth to the rumour.
I had my Y-DNA tested, but am searching for other men who can prove their descendancy from King George. Thanks

1/22/2018 at 10:50 AM

I'm related to the Cameron clan also, through a more direct lineage.

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