I see it was reinstated, and Anne cut off from her brother Francois Retif, SV/PROG.
Please - someone help with the sources if you want to reinstate these parents.
Sharon see here.
Hope it helps.
I do have other sources but don't have time to look now.
Please reinstate all family members.
Thank you.
Sharon Doubell I have reinstated her with her parents but her siblings are still missing.
I only worked on her profile for now. It doesn't show that she was disconnected from her siblings.
Maybe when you merged the new profile into hers, that disappeared.
Kindly let me know where I can help.
This is both my own as well as my husband GGM. The original research was paid for and done for me by the Hugenote Sentrum way back in 1990 so I really have to dig hard for my sources, but just can't do it today.
Stay safe.
Private. Yes, we need some sources.
Wilfred's source is this: http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g7/p7542.htm - ie NO Parents
This is all our great grandparents, and I'd love it to be right. Without sources it's just as easily more pie in the sky SA Huguenot vanity ancestry.
What is a reasonable amount of time for you to find those sources? This request is 2 years old - and the line leads to more unsourced people above them.
Is two weeks enough?
Sharon Doubell I will start looking for my sources but don't want to pay again. Costs are high.
I am just very busy with home and work stuff as well as a very ill son in the house.
Above them I can't go now.
Stay ell.
Here is quite a bit from that time, if any of you can read French.
Starting over. Lost the piece I typed.
Sharon Doubell found the research I got from Hugenote years ago on the Retief family followin the line I then requested. It is typed on paper so I will just typed the A line.
Gen A to D is a reconstructoin of the Retief family in France following research by Charl and Valy (2) The South African part of the genealogy is from reference 1, 5 and 7.
GEN A ca 1570-1600: Paul Retif X Marie LEBRETZ
GEN B ca 1600-1620: Pierre RETIF X Rchel GAULLIS
Gen C 1620-1650: Jacues RETIF *1631 wife not mentioned
GEN D:Francois RETIF (SQA PROG) 1650-1680 *2.2.1663
A1 Francois RETIF *2.2.1663 Mer, Loire, FRANCE †24/9/1720 Francois Cape
X Maria MOUY *15.5.1685 Calais, France †21/9/1758 Franschoek, d.o. Pierre MOUY
They had 9 children
Maria X Pieter ROSSOUW
Anna X Pieter HUGO
Jacques Unmarried
Pierre died in infancy
Paulus X Dorothea MELIUS
Pierre Unmarried
Hester X Jacques MARAIS
Magdalena X Tielman ROOS.
Birth, death and marriage dates all in piece.
For the query here only the parents of Francois was needed.
Hopes this answers the questions.
Seems from here it is incorrect.
Gen C father of Jacques father, thus grandfather of our Francois should be PIERRE Reief 1600-1620 X Rachel GAULLIST but his parents shows as Paul R and Francois Rossouw. (Incorrect). Said Paul has a brother PIERRE. X to GAULLIST. This should be the line and takes us up to Paul Retif and Marie LEBBRETZ.
In conclusion the incorrect line starts with RETIEF X ROSSOUW.
Big fixing to be done.
See father and son married to Debora LOXTON JAUBERT
Jacques Rétif
Paul Retif
Let me know if it all makes sense.
I will try and fix after I heard from you Sharon Doubell and others.
Sharon-Ann Sheina Herr says about Francois Retif, SV/PROG
I went to visit the Hugenot Museum in Franschhoek, and on the wall are the name of Francois Retif and his sister Anne Retif. Their parents are given as Jacques Retif and Anna Roubardeu. Mother is not.. Jaubert
I took a photo of the plaque which I will upload under his Media.
Delia Robertson - it would be interesting to have your input here!
If Judi can disprove the connection as given on the table from Hugenot Museum in Franschhoek, it needs to queried with the museum. I can't find anything on the profile. Maybe Judi can point us in the direction?
Private User good morning
Both the Huguenot Museum's table and Judi's information need sources, otherwise it is impossible to say which, if any, is correct.
I know that later research has upended information from the Museum in at least one case - don't have my finger on it now.
I also know of instances where research done in France has later been proved incorrect.
So it all comes down to seeing the evidence and evaluating it.
Just to add, I am also descended from both Anne and Francois Retif, so apart from the interests of the project, I am personally invested in knowing for sure too.
There are French genealogy websites / services - this is one that was recommended to me, but I just don't have the time: https://www.filae.com/v4/genealogie/HomePage.mvc/welcome
Sorry I can't be more helpful right now.
Thank you for you input Delia Robertson I agree entirely. My connection is through he sister/Rossouw. It sounds to me as if the museum needs to be approached for further evidence of their tree.
Oh, and this. One of the best ways to be sure is to follow the individual / family's route backwards from their arrival at the Cape. Most Huguenot refugees passed though various points on the route where they would have received assistance - monetary, food, clothing, etc - and this would have been recorded.
Also recorded is likely to be names of family or others in travelling party; sometimes an indication of age; the place they had arrived from; perhaps even their original place of origin; etc. And then you go back to the next place, and the next.
A starting point is their arrival on the Borssenburg which sailed from Texel. So that is where you begin.