Not sure if Faquila de Bigorre and Faquilena de Bigorra are the same person.
Facquilène, comtesse de Bigorre
Facquilène, comtesse de Bigorre
They are married to people with similar names and their fathers have similar names, but their grandfathers are different.
@juan carlos abrigo blom
SmartCopyComprobación de consistencia: Más de 22 años de diferencia de edad entre Facquilène, condesa de Bigorre y su esposo Donat Lop, Comde de Bigòrra . Facquilène, comtesse de Bigorre tiene más de 55 años para el nacimiento de su hijo Lope IV, Count Of Bigorre . Lope IV, conde de Bigorre nacido después de la muerte de su padre Donat Lop,
Created 17 juni 2007
Dadildis de Pallars
Duplicate created 6 januari 2016
Dadildis de Pallars
When people start to add already existing profiles, using other sources, languages, the result will most likely differ, sometimes a lot. But the tree ought to be intended as the same, with the same names, altered spelling variant, and differencies regarding years.
This is one main reason why I would like Geni to inset a trashbin.