William Wallace of Elderslie - Please look at p. 28 and p. 36 of the book of Wallace

Started by Private User on Sunday, March 18, 2018
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Private User
3/18/2018 at 2:52 PM

I think the author of the book of Wallace mixed up Catherine Wallace daughter of John Wallace of Craigee and Catherine Crauford who was married to William Wallace the eldest son of William Wallace of Elderslie.
In a previous discussion @Neil , you theorized that the will of a Catherine Wallace was not talking about Catherine Crawford. I wonder if that will was actually the will of Catherine Wallace daughter of John Wallace of Craigee who was married to William Wallace the younger of Elderslie? I think the author mixed them up. @Neil, I think you are reading the testaments. Maybe you can untangle this.

Private User
3/19/2018 at 7:37 AM

There is nothing in the testament dative of Katharine Wallace which confirms the identity of her parents. It is true that Charles Rogers, in his account of the Elderslie family, confused Katharine Wallace with Catherine Crawford but I believe that he did identify her correctly in his account of the Craigie family, where he said that she was the daughter of John Wallace of Craigie and his wife Margaret Campbell. In support of this proposition he cited a disposition dated 20 June 1606 by which John Wallace of Craigie conveyed the lands of Burnbank to Katharine and her husband. I have not viewed this deed but it has the ring of truth, and I am prepared to accept it at face value until the opportunity to do so comes long.

Private User
3/19/2018 at 4:59 PM

Neil, I read pages 44 through 57 of the Book of Wallace, and conclude that Katherine Wallace's father John Wallace of Craigie is the John Wallace of Craigie listed in this profile. In the will of his father John Wallace of Craigie dated August 10, 1570 it gives evidence that John Wallace of Craigie, was the eldest son and heir of John Wallace of Craigie, and son of Margaret Cunnyngham, and succeeded his father. Roger''s gives details of John Wallace's life based on legal documents that he sources in these pages. He spends 13 pages talking about this John Wallace of Craigie giving specific information on his marriages and children (p56) - with Katherine being one of his daughters. Based on this source and evidence, I think that John Wallace of Craigie, Catherine Wallace's father, is the same John Wallace on this profile; although, the profile has an incorrect date of death and incorrect spouse listed. The profile is unsourced(but I added 2 sources citing "The Book of Wallace".:
Sir John Wallace of Craigie

The above profile has a link to a Wikitree profile that has a lot of mixed up information.

Private User
3/21/2018 at 6:44 AM

Ruth, you may be correct in what you say about John Wallace of Craigie. As yet I have not had time to look at the family of Wallace of Craigie but I will eventually get round to it.

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