Widukind, duke of Saxony - No parents or children in Sources

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, May 1, 2018
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Widukind, legendary enemy of Charlemagne, appears to have no known family in Sources eg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widukind & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rulers_of_Saxony
Disconnecting him from purported parents: Weybrecht of the Saxons and Kunhilde of Rügen pending sources from the time.

I've found one child in Medlands:

WIDUKIND (-7 Jan 810). The Royal Frankish Annals record that Widukind rebelled against the authority of Charles I King of the Franks, who had invaded and subdued Saxony, and fled to Denmark ["Nordmannia"] in 777[15]. The Annales Laurissenses state that "Widochindis rebellis" was the only Saxon who did not submit to the Franks in 777[16]. Widukind incited another revolt in 778 while King Charles was campaigning in Spain, but was defeated near Leisa on the river Eder[17]. The Annales Laurissenses record that Charles I King of the Franks sent his missus "Amelwinum" to besiege "Widochindum et Abbionem" in 785, that they surrendered and were baptised at "Attiniacum villa"[18]. Adam of Bremen records that "Widichind" surrendered and accepted baptism in 785[19]. m ([775]) GEVA, sister of SIGURD first "King of Haithabu", daughter of --- ([755]-). This marriage is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[20] in the outline genealogy of a family referred to as "Kings of Haithabu", doubts about which are discussed in chapter 1 of the document DENMARK KINGS. The primary source on which it is based has not been identified. Widukind & his wife had one child:

a) WICHBERT (-after 25 Dec 834). "Wibreht" is named as son of Widukind in the Translatio Sancti Alexandri[21]. The Historia Angariensis records that “Wigbertus filius Witikindi” built “ecclesiam apud Waltingohusen”, with the support of “coniuge Godrada”, dated 823[22]. “Wibrathti...ac filius eius Waldbertus” donated property to Utrecht St Marten by charter dated 25 Dec 834[23]. m ODRAD [Godrada], daughter of ---. She is named with her husband in the charter dated 17 Oct 872 under which [her son] “Waltbertus comes...et coniux mea Altburg” built Wildeshausen church, for the souls of “genitoris genitricisque mee...Wiberti et Odrad”[24]. The Historia Angariensis records that “Wigbertus filius Witikindi” built “ecclesiam apud Waltingohusen”, with the support of “coniuge Godrada”, dated 823[25]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm

cf Geva - to whom Wichbert is not presently linked as a son

Source: Wikipedia Widukind
Source: Historische vijanden: Widukind en de Franken by M. van Exel Widukind
Source: Widukind the known unknown Widukind de bekende onbekende
Source: Widukind The last germanic hero of the Dark Ages


Ottonian Germany: The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg
By Thietmar von Merseburg ((évêque ;), Thietmarus (Merseburgensis), Thietmar de Merseburg, Thietmar

More sources:

Deeds of the Saxons
By Widukind (of Corvey)

The Three Books of the Deeds of the Saxons
Front Cover
Widukind (of Corvey), Widukind v. Korvei
s.t., 1949 - Germany - 2000 pages


There are too many to list, here is a 'google' link to sources:


Guy LaFayette, it's not quoting sources that I can see.

Jacqueli, do those prove parents ?

Seems a bit hasty to disconnect him from his parents because wikipedia doesn't mention them. This must be the point where the lineage becomes mythological and leads to Odin. But then so many of these lineages lead to mythological people. Many lineages were past on by word of mouth. Why not try to contact the original curator - Bjørn P. Brox or a expert in Europe before breaking up family trees. Wikipedia is not a definitive source.

Or contact the person that created it - Anders Joakim Viggeborn. It seems like the lineage is accepted by scholars and many other people with similar family trees on other genealogical websites. Please provide more sources beside wikipedia.

This Discussion is intended to call all those people Guy.
Source above is Cawley's Medlands.

On the mythological lines - we're trying to move those into projects that document them, and keep the world tree peopled with historically verifiable profiles.

You are all invited to join the Widukind Project: https://www.geni.com/projects/No-Descents-From-Widukind/48471. Too many to invite individually.

The sources state that he was related to the Danish king Sigfred through marriage. His sister. It is told that is why Widukind gained help from the Danes and could flee to them. The Saxon wars are when we start to hear more about the Danish kings in the sources and Sigfred is mentioned negotiating with Charlemagne

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