Charlene Newport Had you known there were two women in the company?
So cool.
I didn't know that.
Quite a few women continued their husbands business after they died and some took on apprentices. Nothing to the extent of these two women though.
A cool ancestor to have.
There’s a bad pedigree out there though published in NEHGS, so the Wilford tree was screwy. The book puts these London businesswomen into a timeline.
I don't have access to the book here in Aus. I read the page you added as a source.
Which is why I took the screen shot! I would get the “sorry, can’t read it again” message.
But what an exciting time it was. I get to this family via my (problematic) connection to Sandys, the archbishop, friend to explorers.
Here’s a review
And how to be a Mariner in 1553
She’s no longer my aunt BTW, now I go through the Pitts. That’s Geni !