Zelig (Selig) Kahn is on Geni as the son of Chaiim Ber Voikhansky
I can't find Zelig on the ancestry tree directly however his daughter Kate Lea Sandek is showing as https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/48039797/person/28... daughter of "Solomon Dvoralisky, Dworman, Avraham Israel Feibish Halpern, Tenenbaum, Benjamin, Isaac, Leib, Zvi Segal, Zemach Gunzburg, Ephraim Musman, Samuel Glazano, Mayer Rachelson, Kreslavsky, Netanel Buchvald , Aaron Grines, Shulem Murdechai Cazkes, Zalmon Gold, Leizer De Zekzer, Leizer Zisie, Zalzberg"
Can anyone provide any information about Zelig Selig KAHN?