Thomas Leavitt is on Geni as
* born 1751 died 1820
He has multiple parents and impossible children
* two sets of parents
PARENT 1 - father only
* Henry Riley (1688-1760)
* Aretas Leavitt (1653-1740)
* Ruth Leavitt (1657-1738
Parents Hugh RILEY and Margaret PLUMMER died before he was born so if his dates are correct they cannot be his parents.
Father Ellphas RILEY was 63 when he was born
He is listed as being born in 1751 but has the following events prior to his birth
* 1678 married to Ruth Leavitt (manually created)
* 1710 married to CJudy Riley
* ? married to Ruth Leavitt
with the following children
* 1679 Benjamin Leavitt
* 1679 Luthera Leavitt
* 1691 Sarah Swain
* 1697 Reuben Leavitt
* 1700 Samuel Emmons
* 1712 Jonathan Riley
* 1714 Louisa Waybright
* 1715 Carolyn Greer
* 1717 Rebecca Riley
* 1720 George Riley
* 1720 Sgt. Amos Leavitt
* 1722 Cyrus Riley
* 1794 James Riley
I will see if there have been merges that need to be reversed
I have reversed this merge https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=71126415780
which merged Thomas Leavitt with Isaiah Riley
I have reversed this merge https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=71126415200 which merged James Riley with Sgt. Amos Leavitt
I have reversed this merge https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=71126406710 which merged Sarah Brown with Elizabeth Brown
I have reversed this merge https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=71126406020 which merged Elizabeth Perkins with Elizabeth Perkins as they have different parents
I have reversed the following changes to Aretas Leavitt
Name - Aretas LEAVITT to Hugh Aedh RILEY
Birth Date - no date to 1653
Death Date - no date to 1740
I have reversed the following changes to Thomas Leavitt
Birth date - 15/1/1686 to 1751
Death date 16/11/1761 to 1820
Based on the information prior to the merges I think these children should be the children of Aretas Leavitt
* Sarah Swain
* Reuben Leavitt
* Samuel Emmons
* Benjamin Leavitt
* Luthera Leavitt
I have reversed the following changes on Judy Riley
Name Judy BULLOCK to Catherine FUGATE
Birth date 13/5/1690 to 1750
Death date - blank to 1820
and detached her from her parents Sarah Fugate and John Fugate
I have reversed the following changes on James Riley
Birth date 26/2/1725 to 1794
Death date blank to 1862
Lori Lynn Wilke could you please have a look at Delilah (Gipson) Riley
She is born 1798 died 1863 which is in line with her parents Sgt. William Gipson (1753-1835) and Nancy Gipson (1780-1843)
But her husband James Riley 1725 and her daughter Sarah Brown is born 1750
Based on the information prior to the merges the following should be children of Thomas Leavitt and Ruth Leavitt
* Marcia “Marcy” (Mercy) Haskell
* Mary Leavitt
* John Leavitt
* Jonathan Leavitt
* Ann Leavitt
* Benjamin Leavitt
* Joseph Leavitt
I have reversed the changes on Henry Riley
Name Henry RILEY to Ellphas RILEY
DOB blank to 1688 Ireland
DOD blank to 1760
I have reversed the following merge https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=71126418950 which merged Thomas Leavitt with Daniel Riley
Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) 🇦🇺 I’m doing some sourcing and name locking in the area. Quite a mess you uncovered.
Tommaso Valarani Your tree work Around James Leavitt is good. Would you mind double checking the repair ?
There is still an issue with Sarah Brown - she is born in 1750, her mother Delilah (Gipson) Riley was born in 1798.
Her two husbands appear to be the same person but have different death dates James Brown, of Wilkes County and James Brown, of Wilkes County
Johan Jacob Braun 1730-1808 married to Elizabeth Goettgen 1732-1814 , son James Brown 1750-1818 married to Sarah Riley 1748-1805,son Joseph Brown 1773-1830 married to Anna Barbara Hagler 1772-1811,daughter Sarah Brown 1805-1902 married to Reuben Pickett Farthing 1808-1889,son John Watts Farthing 1846-1922 married to Minnie Adelalde Rivers 1857-`935, son Zebulan Vance Farthing 1888-1973 married to Leola Winkler 1892-1982,son John Henry Farthing 1916-1983 married to Loretta Marie Summerfield 1921-1995 ,daughter Brenda O'leta Farthing 1946
Private User, could you please stop changing names on profiles particularly in this area of the tree and when you don't manage the profiles. There was a bad merge that has meant that wrong families were merged and your changes are being made to another family . If you believe a profile is incorrect please start a discussion.
I have reversed the following changes
Isaiah Riley - reversed changing his name to Patrick
Judy Riley - reversed changing her name to Catherine Fugate
I have reversed this merge https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=67570630300 which merged Sarah Brown with Sarah Brown
Here are 4 profiles of a Catherine Fulgate marrying Patrick Riley
Catherine Riley
Catherine Riley
Catherine Riley
Catherine Riley
Perhaps one of these is the one you are looking for.