Medlands suggests that Theudoald, Mayor of the Palaces of Austrasia & Neustria is a child of Grimoald II the Younger and an unknown mistress, not of his wife, Thiadsvind.
Wikipedia says differently, but with no sources.
Medlands suggests that Theudoald, Mayor of the Palaces of Austrasia & Neustria is a child of Grimoald II the Younger and an unknown mistress, not of his wife, Thiadsvind.
Wikipedia says differently, but with no sources.
Grimoald had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1):
a) THEODALD ([707/08]-killed 741). The Liber Historiæ Francorum names "Grimoaldus…filium ex concubina Theudoaldo"[176]. The Annales Metense name "Grimoaldi filium eius parvulum ex concubina nata nomine Theodaldum" when recording his appointment as maior domus for King Dagobert II[177]. He was legitimate according to the Monumenta Epternacensia which names "Theodaldum, filium Grimoaldi…ex Theodesina filia regis Rabodi"[178]. After the death of his father, his grandfather Pépin chose Theodald as his heir although he was still a child. His paternal grandmother appointed him maior domus in Austrasia in 714. The Liber Historiæ Francorum records that "Theudoaldo" was appointed maior domus after "Ragamfredo" fled[179]. He was opposed by his uncle Charles "Martel", but fled after the battle of Compiègne 26 Sep 715[180]. The Annales Alammanici record in 741 that "Theodaldus interfectus est"[181].