Sharon - you are right. That is because several months ago her parents were changed incorrectly. Her actual parents are: PIERRE I Comte de Savoie & his wife Agnès de Poitou.
I sent a message to all the managers pointing this out, including documentation from Medlands (see my message below), but none of them responded. I followed up with Jason Wills and he said he had 1000 messages and can't get to them all.
Could you help in restoring her correct parents?
Bernard Albanese
Managers of Alice de Savoie,
I am contacting you about this profile: Alix de Savoie
I believe that Alice's parents are incorrect.
Firstly: If you read the Medlands article (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAVOY.htm#HumbertIIdied1103B)
for her supposed father,
there is no Alice listed.
Secondly: If you read the Medlands article relating to her husband, https://www.geni.com/people/Bonifacio-del-Vasto-Marchese-del-Vasto-...
it clearly states that her parents are:
m firstly ALIX de Savoie, daughter of PIERRE I Comte de Savoie & his wife Agnès de Poitou.
Thirdly; if you read the Medlands article related to https://www.geni.com/people/Pierre-I-comte-de-Savoie/60000000004373...
it clearly lists Alix as his daughter and the future wife of Bonifacio del Vasto.
I realize I may be mistaken. But Medlands is used as an authority for these other three profiles, but not for hers. It seems inconsistent.
Bernard Albanese
Alice de Savoie
That is because her husband
Bonifacio "del Vasto", marchese di Savona e della Liguria Occidentale
had two wives (Alice was the first). according to Medlands Bonifacio had 12 children, and at least the first 5 were with Alice. (see details I posted in Bonifacio's "About" section)
Someone has removed those children from Alice and moved them to Bonifacio's second wife, Agnes.
Thank you for fixing Alice's parents.
She and her husband, Bonifazio had at least 5 children.
Their 3rd child was Manfredo: found here with the wrong mother:
;Manfredo I del Vasto, marchese di Saluzzo
Their 5th child was Guglielmo (i.e. William) found here with the wrong mother:
I could not easily find their other 3 children, perhaps they were never entered into GENI. I will continue looking, if I find anything more I will let you know
Thanks again.