Jane Mallory (Unknown, 1st Wife) - Frances, the Wife of Thomas Mallory (1605) is the Mother of His Children

Started by David White on Tuesday, November 27, 2018
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In the Virginia istorical Genealogies, under "Mallory of Hutton and Studley, Yorkshire and of Virginia, on page 114 it seems to be clear that Thomas Mallory's wife Frances is the mother of his children, as it lists them as such - not "Jane".

I have uploaded a copy of this page in the "Sources" section.

Please change the lineage to show this correction, unless someone has a better source proving otherwise.


I’m not finding the upload?


Page 400 listed (Page 6 of the document) notes that Rev. Dr. Thomas Il Mallory, Dean of Chester married 1st Jane, then Mary (according to DNB), and his widow was Frances.

It looks like you’re chasing back on Capt. Roger Mallory Who is possibly my 9th great grandfather.

The Mallory Family (Continued). (1906). The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 14(2), 215-220. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/4242804

Roger was probably the son of Thomas and his 1st wife Jane, and if so, was born between 1632 and 1638.

Ok, I see the doc now and attached from Frances Mallory to her husband and to Jane also.


As I read it, it does not specify which wife is the mother of which children, and agrees Jane died in 1638.

If Roger is est Birth date of 1637 per the the Mallory DNA project, he was “probably” Jane’s child.


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