I and almost every one in Holland have the shared forfather William III, count of Holland and that is a forfather Phillipa van Gulik as we in the Netherlands know her.
Ofcourse she is a von and not an van, but you can better be a 'von' then a "van". All the 'von''s have noble blood or DNA.
→ Robert Wood Johnson, III
your father → General Robert Wood Johnson, II
his father → Robert Wood Johnson, I
his father → Sylvester Johnson, III
his father → Experience Wheeler
his mother → Ephraim Wheeler
her father → Prudence Wheeler
his mother → Persis Hewitt
her mother → Samuel Cleveland
her father → Ann Cleveland
his mother → Edward Winn
her father → Edward Wynne
his father → George Wynne
his father → Jane Bulkeley
his mother → Catherine Bulkeley
her mother → Jane Stradling
her mother → Sir Thomas Stradling
her father → Sir Henry Stradling, Kt.
his father → Lady Joan Beaufort
his mother → Cardinal Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester
her father → John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
his father → Philippa of Hainault, Queen consort of England
his mother → William III, count of Holland
her father