Toralde Toraldesson, på Berg - What is the origin of the coat of arms for Toralde Toraldesson, på Berg?

Started by private on Sunday, February 10, 2019
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What is the origin of the coat of arms for Toralde Toraldesson, på Berg? Primary or secondary source? The Coat of Arms shown has four roses, which reminds me of the Von Rosen Coat of Arms and so perhaps there is a correlation?:*

Thanking you in advance for a gentle response as I'm still relatively new to

* Yes, I am aware that many Danes do not like the Web site. It is for imagery purposes only to compare coat of arms.

The Coat of Arms shown on Toralde Toraldesøn's profile is of the Kane family in Norway. This Family is know back to the 12th Century in Norway.

von Rosen is a Swedish noble Family that came to Sweden from Livonia (southern part of Estonia and northern part of Latvia) around 1720. Before that they lived in Livonia as far back as the end of the 11th Century. (in Swedish)

There is no known connection between these two families.

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