ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, February 14, 2019
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Showing 301-330 of 9181 posts

Bo Jason Bryant
Please check your Geni messages

I have added this profile: Private in place of Private as the mother of Private and Private.

When I did so, it accidentally added Private as the wife of Private. I would like Private to be removed as her spouse.

I created "The Unknown Mother of Carlos Eugene and Betty Jean Garrett" because their true parents are unknown, however Gene was raised by his maternal grandparents and I know their names. I wanted him to still be linked with those grandparents.

I would greatly appreciate it if this could be done.

Private User, I've disconnected what you've asked.
You may add these children as children of those grandparents, and under their "relationships" tab, define them as "adoptive".

I have added Gene's grandparents as a separate set of parents listed as adopted for Gene as Betty was not adopted by her grandparents. Thank you, Atalya Buskila Levy

ATTENTION Curators, please assist

(Q.E.P.D.) - Falleció en la paz del Señor confortada con los santos sacramentos y la bendición papal, el día 5 de marzo de 2019. Moira y Gastón, Almita y Carlos, Marie y Leo, Jime y Santiago, Inés y Ernesto, María y Diego, María y Andrés, Carmen y Alberto, Pato y Paolo, Valen y Rodrigo, Mariana y Andrés, Leticia y Diego, Luli, Marianne y Martín, Agustina y Juan Manuel, Rosina y Diego participan con profundo dolor su fallecimiento, acompañan a su querida Maco en tan triste momento y piden una oración por su alma.
(RIP) - He passed away in the peace of the Lord comforted with the holy sacraments and the papal blessing, on March 5, 2019. Moira and Gastón, Almita and Carlos, Marie and Leo, Jime and Santiago, Inés and Ernesto, María and Diego, María and Andrés, Carmen and Alberto, Pato and Paolo, Valen and Rodrigo, Mariana and Andrés, Leticia and Diego, Luli, Marianne and Martín, Agustina and Juan Manuel, Rosina and Diego are deeply involved in their death, accompanying their Dear Maco in such a sad moment and ask for a prayer for your soul.

This is again the liveliness of sr. Gustavo Dutrenit

Private User
Please check

thanks Angus , now is ok

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087, it didn't show me any matches. Is it done? It was in the “approved match” tab and also “view nearby merge issues - requested merges.”

One side of the merge is an isolated tree.

Since the manger of the profile was online not too long ago I'd say we giver her time to respond to your request Cynthia.

Thank Erica Howton.

This is a tree conflict. Naomi is the mother of Harold and not his sister

Naomi Sandak-Lewin

Please correct


This is a tree conflict. Itzhak Bonodo and Masha Bonodo are the parents of Riva Hirshberg and not Shraga Feibl Hirshberg

Shraga Feibl Hirshberg

Please correct


Doreen Hazel Traub, please check both requests

Doreen Hazel Traub, please check your Geni message inbox re change of parents for Harold Sandak-Lewin

Could a curator please undo this merge?

While they are in fact the same person, there are too many inconsistencies for me to take care of on my own at the moment.

Thanks Angus

It looks good



Can you please refresh the relationship path? We should be cousins.

Zidsel Andersen

Linda Ann Zinn


William Jackson "Bill" Vaughn has multiple parents linked to him. His real parents are Stephen "Steve" Vaughn, IV and Delilah Patsy "Lillie" Vaughn. I would appreciate it if Wesley Vaughn and Elizabeth "Bettie" Vaughn could be removed as his parents. There seemed to have been some confusion with a member as to the parents of William and consequently, this occured.

Private User I did as requested but be careful working in that area, someone is doing a GEDCOM import

Angus Wood-Salomon It is me doing the Gedcom import. I am working on the duplicates, most of the duplicates are of ones I already added to Geni before it allowed me to import a Gedcom.

Private User, thanks

Would a curator please remove William Berry Strange and Priscilla Herndon as parents to

Lecie Mead

Thanks for your help!

Private User -- done.

Sorry, a few more paths that need to be refreshed. It would be a great enhancement if we could do this on demand ourselves. It seems to take forever for the refresh option to appear.

Mads Christian Christensen

William Anderson

Maurice William Anderson

Violet Mae Duncan

Path to me

Linda Ann Zinn


Plesase merge the duplicate families of Herman Adolph August Reinach and Herman Adolph August Reinach
Thank you.

Please undo the merge

Joseph Bond

Private User & Joan Elizabeth Marshall , done and done. Please check.

Private User , Not sure on this one as it was added so recently by an active user, who is a namesake. Have you contacted the manager?

Showing 301-330 of 9181 posts

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