ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, February 14, 2019
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Showing 211-240 of 9181 posts

Private User, done

Thank you so very much for your prompt and helpful response!

Allie Belle Glover is long deceased
I need a merge to this profile
Allie Belle Glover

Requesting de-zombification for this woman and her husband please:


Private User, as in the previous case, please give other managers a chance to resolve merges before asking curators to do them. Not everyone is on Geni every day, so managers need a chance to see requests before they can act.

I did a merge on my family and did it wrong. I need to split at Billi B Barrera and Craig O'Donnell Jr.

I did a merge on my family and did it wrong. I need to split at Billi B Barrera and Craig O'Donnell Jr.

Billi Brown Barrera,

I undid the merge that you did in error.

Please have a look to see if everything is correct.

rvk - not to be removed. The de Leeuw relationship is a foster child relationship


© foto 1979 : Robert Roos van RAADSHOOVEN te Voorburg

rvk - yes as I said foster not adopted

Literally just merged like 16 people in Holland family group. This appeared after the completion.

Will a curator please complete the merge?


Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 Working on it. The unconnected abandoned tree you found looks like a good match. There is no active manager to reach for the private profiles which I presume were set to private In error, as they are historic.

Thank you. I just keep finding one after the next after I completed a whole batch

Rhoda Collins

private children may be duplicates

I messaged the owner of the profile but is it abandoned as well? How can one tell?
Alabama Hoskins
I know I have asked a lot! But is still the same affiliated family *sigh

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 I undid the merge on Martha Collins because parents don’t match, so needs more research.

I merged Alabama “Lee Bam” (Baker) Hoskins - born 1827, that’s historic.

Looking at kids now. The Holland / Napier tree is merged up, and I was able to extend a little on Jesse Roberts. In his area take extreme caution, endlessly confusing Bowling’s and Sizemores.

Correction: the Alabama’s are different (husbands are different). I unmerged.

Yes, two sets of parents on Martha Collins-- was hoping the correct set would be apparent. Thank you.
This line has numerous reused names and several partnerships that produced children without the benefit of marriage and so those names are confused as well in terms of male children with mother's surname.
TY again soooo very much.

That’s very true, Cynthia, plus these abandoned trees often have little for dates & locations filled in, so they garble themselves up.

I added some to Alabama “Lee Bam” (Baker) Hoskins so that should make it easier to progress.


Private User We need a link to the profile.

Please undo this merge I've just completed.
I need to find a source before I can be certain of this.

Showing 211-240 of 9181 posts

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