ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, February 14, 2019
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This discussion is a continuation of wherein one of your friendly neighborhood Curators suggested we create a discussion as a focal point for users requesting help (see for more information about curators).

The purpose of this discussion is to enable you to easily post requests for assistance. Posting requests here will get you a much faster response than contacting us privately, as all curators can see this discussion, as well as many other users who can assist as well.

Presently what we can help you with is:

* "killing zombies" - Zombies are historical profiles that are wrongly marked as living, and thus block merges. Please continue posting these requests here:

* Make public – if a historical profile is wrongly marked as private, we can ask the system to check if it should be marked public. See for details about which profiles should be public on Geni.

* Complete pending merges between ANY pair of public profiles.

We most STRONGLY recommend that you ALWAYS first try and contact the other managers. You WILL get better and faster results that way (we are a last resort).

We also HIGHLY recommend that anyone who is serious about merging in the shared parts of our tree, join the Collaboration Pool. You will find there 500+ people there all wanting to help each other out. Read about it and JOIN here:

While initially we would like to concentrate on cleaning up the shared parts of the historical tree (such as European Royalty), we can and will assist anywhere needed. We will soon also start discussions that are for specific “areas” of the tree, for better focus.

What we can’t and WILL NOT do is:

* Do YOUR work for you. If you see duplicates in a tree, and can stack them, please do so, BEFORE you ask us to complete the merges. Do the maximum that you can. There are millions of Geni users and only a few dozen Curators... WE need YOUR help at least as much as you need us. This is a TEAM effort.

* Before you ask us to merge a "stack" of pending merges, do through the stack yourself, and check if all of the profiles belong there. It is NOT too hard, and you'll save everybody a lot of work and grief. You might find the following guide useful:

* Edit or merge private profiles without permission. For private profiles, curators need permission from a profile manager or nearby relative before making non-trivial changes.

* MOST importantly - We will NOT force ANY decisions on any one. If you have issues with the other manager(s), please try and work them out first. If an agreement cannot be reached, Geni's Customer Service will have to mediate.

Feel free to join the discussion, we'd like to hear your opinions as well.

Thank you,

The Geni Curator Team

Got it thanks,

@Art van Bergen

There is no "button" or text line on his profile I can access.

Someone else told me he is unavailable for a while, so you might not get a response for some time.

Hey, everyone. I have several profiles I can't find the duplicates of. I think some are bad merges. But, there are a couple Erica Howton said were merges but the guy had imaginary parents. Can someone help me clear this up?

Imaginary/Dubious parents:

John Norris, of Southold

Hannah Norris

Bad merges:

Susan Smith, of Brinspittal in Dorset

Dorothy Smith, of Nettlestead in Kent

Elizabeth Ward

I’m undoing merges.

Private Come take a look at this line

Robert Smith, of Brinspittal in Dorset

Maybe make MP & detail it ?

Hmmm. The John Hoyt of Amesbury (c1614-1688) Smith ancestry. Looks like a construction site with all of the yellow triangles from several merges. Maybe someone has better data for this family line.

Backward from John Hoyt, the tree is about as shaky as the San Andreas Fault. The only verifiable source data I have found on his father Simon Hoyte in Dorset is the burial of a wife in Lyme Regis in 1680/1681. I found records to show that some the people existed, but not that they were related to Simon and John Hoyt. This includes the entire Smith family line.

Every record I could find was based on the Somerset church records for the other Simon Hoyt or on what J Cornelius Haight found in Dorset with no known source. All though history to the present is a mix of the Dorset and Somerset Simon and John Hoyt families, including by the Hoyt families themselves. Even 200 years ago the Hoyts in America thought their ancestors were born in Dorset. It wasn't until 1995 that Robin Bush proved them wrong.

I separated the John and Simon Hoyt families and their ancestors, using church records from Somerset for the Simon Hoyt who went to America and what I could fund unsourced on the Simon Hoyt from Dorset who didn't go, with the conclusion that something better should replace both ancestries, if something better exists. In two years of searching, I have yet to find something better.

My attempts to engage others in discussions and research hasn't resulted in any further information. Doesn't mean it isn't out there, just haven't found it.

If I were to MP this, I would break the line past John Hoyt of Amesbury and list him with parents unknown. The Hoyt and Smith ancestry before him needs far more research than my two years. If it can be left alone, I would be happy to continue. I hope to visit Somerset and Dorset a few years from now and see for myself.

Any thoughts?

Private - I would CUT unproven parents and lock relationships at the tree top. It looks like the Dorset connection was disproved so that line of Smith’s is unlikely.

Private User Cleaned up as best I could without references ....

Erica Howton I'd have given references If I could find 'em. No wikitree profiles.

Thanks for the help, though!

Same issue with Thomas Hyatt. Parents unknown.

Thomas Hyatt of Stamford

Private Go ahead and disconnect parents and lock the relationships.

Private User, please check.

Requesting a curators attention to the following profile:

Eveline Mary Elise Lowther (Erskine)

her two husbands (one of which is a zombie) are duplicates. Can a curator unzombify the one zombie and merge the two?


Oh, I should add that the children may be zombies as well, and may need merging too.

Before I found the new discussion I started one here

Can someone kill off the zombies?

small cleaning forget in Italy 1100, I suggest cutting above and below to Pedro de Atarés [delete would be better] because:
2 white profiles without info, badly connected in the tree and between them..
(..& check ADMN tree ;)

denmark - germany - poland 1200
I report mother conflict to: Queen Agnes af Danmark
arond other requests, & also a zombie.. for this time I report it here :) Johann I von Brandenburg, Markgraf

Livio Scremin You found a fake Borgia, good for you !

- Jimenez Garces Borgia, {Fictional} Has been isolated

- not his fatherés/6000000006101348629 given to his real parents, the tree could use more work

Good finds.

Livio Scremin Also the Zombie is dealt with.

Livio Scremin
It's not a mother conflict, it's a conflict created by the notorius duplicate creator
Private User who seems to have got a free card to create as much havoc in the medieval tree as possible as long as he wants.

We can't apparently do anything about him, just merge his empty shells, unfortunately, some profiles that were created 2007-2008 are no longer master profiles connected to their offsprings, instead, some of his duplicates are, likely due to both users and some curators that faulty have choosen his newly created lines instead of the original ones.

I've requested merges in this family and then realised the duplicate tree is an abandoned tree and no managers to replace the existing manager.
Please take a look at
and some siblings
Thank you.

WOW all well fixed quickly!
I love it when a plan comes together :D
PLZ check this Denmark 950 -->

Good evening,

Could a curator please merge
Dolores Zawadzki Rebolledo

And also husband.

And also kill private zombies nearby.

Felipe González de Otoya De Narváez, did what I am allowed

Merged these two profiles - and need to undo it:

Ita Dolgonog


Thank you

Atalya Buskila Levy Amazing. Thanks so much! תודה רבה!!!

Matthia Jacoba Eijck van Zuylichem

please unmerge before this is becoming a mess


Can a curator please un-do my incorrect merge - John Slade Brinson, Jr.

Parents for John Brinson 1793-1849 should be John Brinson and Susannah Slade.

Young millennial king of France.
I suggest cutting wife and girlfriend to Hugues, roi associé de France

In fact newly cured zombies, they are only probably due to inexperience of ADMN. Entered in 2015 by a guest user, but who has not even completed his tree. The sources don't know wife or descendants, but in light of the above cut also the girlfriend :)

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