I believe there are many curators in the Geni empire that have their own level of what is acceptable proof of links within family trees. Geni started as a way to link families well beyond what is possible for the average individual to achieve. However Geni has a huge problem. It seems that DNA, family trees and common sense has disappeared from the equation. Logic has disappeared and only absolute documentation is the only acceptable level and then only from selective documents.
A prime example is Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson King of Denmark and Norway
There is no document that I am aware off that can prove his existence absolutely.
His profile remains fully intact and only says in the notes that he is a mythical viking king.
How consider the sons of Eyvind Ranesson Sodheim Eivind Sodheim
I have been discussing that one of his sons was Rane Eyvindsson Rane Eyvindsson
with no results. There is even DNA evidence found in the discussion at https://www.geni.com/discussions/191298
My reasoning is that if we are to weigh the evidence there is more information to support this father son relationship then exists for any link or the existence of Ragnar.
A standard of reasonable evidence must be established or you will have a product that will be pointless. Curators can't just go through the Geni profile and do disconnections at will. Now about we as pro members started to do this .. that would be ridiculous but that is what is going on in Geni. This practice must stop immediately, it is simply an unfair approach to what a normal person contributing to geni would consider reasonable behavior. Curators can not reasonable expect that paper exists for every individual, it's an unreasonable and impossible expectation.
Another practice being used is to lock individuals so that one can not even add evidence if found to the profile information. This is completely unacceptable behavior.