Has anyone read JAMESTOWN BRIDES published late 2018 in yhe U.K. We are fortunate enough that more is known about Audry/ Adria Hoare Harris than most of the colonists. Suzann, there have been wars in both Englqnd and the colonies/U.S. in which documents were destroyed. And in any country at any time there are also people who do not wish to be found(he couldnhave well been a scoundrel...lol .Unfortunately, my family history was lost. I have been able to reconstruct much if it from Virginia Chancery Court Records, online, much if it through the female side. DNA has also helped confirm some of the relatiins thanks to Glenn Gohr and the Harris family Group 8 yahoi group.
I find that I am extremely fortunate as I am doubly desceded from Thomas and Adry/Adria Harris through their son and daughter, when Obediah HarrisSr, married his distant cousin, Elizabeth Watkins, daughter of Phoebe Watkins Wat,kins and Silas Watkins (who were in turn, distant cousins of eachother via dedcendants 8f the Quaker, Henry Watkins.)
In Jamestown Brides, the author speculates that, our progenitor, Capt, Thos, Harris, was quite possibly was a workman sent over with Sir Thomas Dake and freed upon hus return to England. She , being the autoir, does refer to the possibility of Capt. Thomas connecting with the Aylesbury Hoares, Woodliffes etc. We probably will never know