The 1584 Birth date for John Harding comes from this quote:
(Which has the Marie Greene Mother, which is wrong)
John Harding's will leaves property to his brother, William, father of La dy Mary Harding Gorges, wife of Capt. Sir Robert Gorges, appointed Govern or of Plymouth Colony in 1623. His will further mentions his sons Richar d, Amos, John, Lemuel, and Oliver.; (Sir Robert was the son of Sir Fredin ando Gorges, one of the founders of the Plymouth Company which was charter ed in 1606).
Sir Robert Gorges lead a group of colonists from the port of Harwic k, County of Essex, England to the Plymouth Colony at Wessagussett, lat er Weymouth Landing, partly in Braintree of what is now Massachusetts, arr iving in August, 1623. Among those accompanying Sir Gorges were Richard H arding, wife and infant son, John Harding, wife and two young sons, and Jo seph Harding. These three were all cousins of Lady Mary Harding Gorges, a nd sons of John Harding of Barnstable, England and the first of the li ne to immigrate to America.
An additional sources are "A Briefe (sic) Narration of the Original U ndertakings of the Advancement of Plantations into the Parts of Amerika ( sic), Especially Showing the Beginnings, Progress, and Continuance of th at of New England" by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, 1658 and "Gorges, Sir Ferdina ndo, an Excerpt from the Columbia Encyclopedia."