Concerning this comment in the About Me Section : "He was at the conquest of Seville in 1253. Although his parents are sometimes given as Lope "el Chico" Ruiz de Haro and Berenguela González de Girón, this has been disproved."
Does anyone have sources to back up this comment?
Sir Alexander Croke in his work on the Croke family, AKA Blount, provides a chart for the family of Sancha de Ayala, including this branch ( That chart gives the father and mother of this Pedro Lopez de Ayala as Don Lope Ruys de Chico and Donna Berenguela Gonzales Giron, with Lope Ruys de Chico being the son of Don Lope Diaz de Haro ( i.e. Lope Lopez) in contradiction to the postulation made above.
Medlands is no help. ( as Pedro Lopez is not listed as a son of either Lope Diaz or Lope Lopez.
Pedro López de Ayala is my 24th great grandfather.
It is very frustrating to see such a forceful statement from a curator refuting all known and reputable sources on an important point of fact (in this case, kinship) without presenting a shred of evidence to back it up. Am I supposed to simply take their word for it? It's a matter of trust, and I don't feel I should be obliged to trust anyone who neglects to cite reasonably authoritative sources.
Unfortunately, this isn't the first time I have seen inappropriate statements filling the top banner of one of my direct ancestor's profiles. One in particular, which throws serious shade on a great politician's character, is 'backed' by the most unprofessional and biased 'sources'. (And while I understand that politics can be a dirty business, I don't think it is appropriate to engage in it on Geni profiles.)
My point being that messages filling the blue banners on MPs ought to be very carefully and wisely thought out first.
Please see Farmerie and Taylor: Notes on the Ancestry of Sancha de Ayala, particularly page 11, "III. Other Theories of Royal Descent", in which they discuss where this line originated, how it was picked up by Croke, and later disproved by Luis de Salazar y Castro. The line of Ayala back to Haro roots is apparently through an earlier Haro cadet line, not the Haro married to Urraca. So the notation, although not backed by sources, is accurate. In fact, it does seem that Pedro Lopez de Ayala should be disconnected from any parents at this time.
Justin Howery Swanstrom.. these are your curator notes under discussion. What say you?