This tree has been marked fictional.

Started by kyler ferguson on Thursday, July 25, 2019
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@KylerFerguson this makes me upset is and always This tree has been marked fictional was this intended when I first joined up that was not there.
Who was responsible for this sorry for sounded upset

Can you give us a link?

There are different reasons that branches get marked fictional.

One would be that they are actually fictional—the Harry Potter trees, for instance, or the King Arthur trees.

Another would be that they are genealogical fictions, sometimes old ones but sometimes new ones.

But sometimes they are not fictional at all, but duplicate trees of either medieval (or earlier) profiles, or royal profiles, and in such cases the “fictional “ designation is the only tool we have to isolate them so that Customer Service can delete them.

In such cases the profiles are already in the World Tree; since Geni works towards one profile per person, especially in the cases of the early branches and the royal branches, duplicates have to get merged in or deleted, and the amount of clean up work that merging in requires is staggering.

One of the problems is the recent tsunami of GEDCOM uploads - they were supposed to be slow and selective, but oops, sorry, here comes Noah's Flood.

Another is the people who are gloating over the "option" of now having "private standalone" trees, who just don't realize that if you build back too far you WILL match the Big Tree - and then the "private standalone" tree suddenly isn't.

kyler ferguson so people got confused? by, for example, they are related to made-up persons in history like harry potter? But for the Fergusons, they had a long ancient history of people

Can you give us a link to one of the profiles that has been marked Fictional, that you would like explained?

If it's been done rightly, I will probably be able to explain.

If it was a mistake, I can fix it.

But I need a profile link, so that I can see what you are talking about.

Yes, these have not been labeled fictional by mistake; nor are they duplicate lines waiting to get deleted.

Lugh is not connected to the World Tree because he was not a human. He is one of the great gods.

The medieval genealogies that connected to him did so because one of the points of medieval genealogies across Europe was to connect pedigrees not just to royalty, but to legendary figures, and beyond that, to the gods.

Scota, in the other hand, is not one of the old gods. She is a mythological or legendary figure. There are several different versions of her story, none of which date before the 11th century, all of which are pseudo history, invented to give the Gaels a genealogical connection to Biblical times and figures.

This sort of invention was extremely common in the Middle Ages.

So, yes, these figures are well known in Irish genealogies, but those are pseudo historical genealogies, and do not meet the genealogical standards Geni aspires to. But you will indeed find them listed as fact in many places.

kyler ferguson thank you for your time

kyler ferguson and of course, some family's ancestors were from other worlds in the other dimensions like the Fergusons for instance

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