Elizabeth Worsham (Kennon) - 12 years is a long time to sit on Geni

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Thursday, August 1, 2019
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8/1/2019 at 12:20 PM

No sources, no info other than a dob 1596; shows two husband's named Worsham and is managed by 11 people including at least TWO curators. I would love to see her profile blossom. She is supposed to be my 9th great grandmother.

Private User
8/1/2019 at 1:33 PM

Elizabeth (LITTLEBURY) Worsham Epes, married first William Worsham, bearing him four (4) children: John Worsham, Elizabeth Worsham (wife of Richard Kennon), Mary Worsham and Charles Worsham.

As a widow in 1661, she married Col. Francis Epes. With Francis Epes, she had three (3) children: William Epes, Littlebury Epes, and Mary Epes.

Elizabeth made two wills to provide for her children by both marriages:

1) Dated 28 August 1678 provided for her children by William Worsham

2) Dated 23 September 1678 provided for her children by Francis Epes

Please note: Elizabeth had two daughters named "Mary"; Mary Worsham and Mary Epes

She appointed her son-in-law Richard Kennon and stepson Francis Epes (son of Col. Francis Epes by his first marriage) as executors of the wills. Both wills were proved on 1 October 1678

*Henrico Co. Order Book, 1678-93, pp. 59-60.

*Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5, page 260 This is on Ancestry.com

Private User
8/1/2019 at 1:38 PM

William Worsham (@)
BIRTH 1619 • Jordans Parish, Charles City Co, VA, USA
DEATH 1661 • Henrico County, Virginia married
Elizabeth Jane Littlebury (@)
BIRTH 22 OCT 1620 • St Botolph, Colchester, Essex, England or Henrico, VA
DEATH 23 SEP 1678 • Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia
and also to
Francis Eppes Lieutenant Colonel
BIRTH 19 NOV 1627 • Henrico, Virginia.
DEATH 2 DEC 1678 • Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia. Is this the same person?

Private User
8/1/2019 at 1:41 PM

William Worsham (@)
BIRTH 1619 • Jordans Parish, Charles City Co, VA, USA
DEATH 1661 • Henrico County, Virginia married
Elizabeth Jane Littlebury (@)
BIRTH 22 OCT 1620 • St Botolph, Colchester, Essex, England or Henrico, VA
DEATH 23 SEP 1678 • Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia
and also to
Francis Eppes Lieutenant Colonel
BIRTH 19 NOV 1627 • Henrico, Virginia.
DEATH 2 DEC 1678 • Bermuda Hundred, Henrico, Virginia. Is this the same person?

Private User
8/1/2019 at 1:52 PM

I was going to try and help but I can't put it together.

8/1/2019 at 2:56 PM

Thank you Private User for this <3
I appreciate it very much

8/3/2019 at 8:58 PM

I've noticed a change....

Does anyone have any source, reference, proof documentation that Nancy Worsham (Bennett) Nancy Worsham was the wife of William Worsham unknown Worsham and mother of John William Worsham William Worsham of Jordan's Parish ISO Elizabeth Worsham (Kennon) Susan Worsham ???

I've a copy of the "Henrico County: Virginia: Beginnings of Its Families: Part III" is an article from The William and Mary Quarterly, Volume 24, which states the following.....

Henrico County: Virginia: Beginnings of Its Families: Part III pages 264, 265

Next in order among the Henrico County families come the Kennons and the Pleasantses. The Kennon family from the ear- liest appearance of its founder, Richard Kennon, in Henrico about 1677, occupied a position of political and social importance.
Richard Kennon (who died about 1696) engaged extensively in merchandizing and was the Virginia representative of London merchants. He was also a magistrate of the county and, in I685, a member of the House of Burgesses. Richard Kennon married Elizabeth, daughter of William Worsham, of Henrico County, and his wife Elizabeth (who married secondly Colonel Francis Eppes). The children of the "founder" of the family were people of means: the daughters married a Bolling, a Royall, a Munford and an Eldridge. Richard and William Kennon (sons of Richard Kennon, the first,) married, respectively, an Eppes and a Bolling. Members of the Kennon family were magistrates in the counties in which they lived and one, or more, were members of the House of Burgesses. 1

I'm asking because this recent change, changes Great grand mothers for me.

8/3/2019 at 9:10 PM

There was a time traveling Elizabeth Kennon who cannot have been the wife of this problematic unknown Worsham

There’s an unsourced reference for

Nancy Worsham

At https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/186187364/nancy-worsham

The first child listed does not conform with the Geni Shippey tree Thomas Shippey so I’m not high confidence.

8/3/2019 at 9:12 PM

Elizabeth Kennon Is fine.

8/3/2019 at 9:35 PM

Anyone know anything about the George Worshams?

Capt. George Worsham, Jr.

8/3/2019 at 9:55 PM

searching (on George Worsham)...

so far, this is what I've found:

(Page 262 Wm&Mary Qtr)
In the Henrico list of Heads of Families in I679 we find the following names before which the significant term "Mr." is placed: Martin Elam, Francis Eppes, Richard Kennon, Richard Cocke, John Pleasants, John Ball (who was minister of the parish), Benjamin Hatcher, William Baugh, Henry Lound, Wil- liam Clerke, Thomas Poulden, Gilbert Elam, Henry Gee, Gilbert Platt, Richard Lyggon, Peter Field, Charles Featherstone, George Worsham, Thomas Batte, Essex Bevill, John Goode, Richard Ward, Senior, [Francis] Radford [Redford]), William Elam, Thomas Branch, Senior, Thomas Osborne, Edward Osborne, Abell Gover, [Robert] Hancocke.l

And from Baskerville Genealogy text (pp 151ff)
The Worsham Family....

In the Henrico list of Heads of Families in I679 we find the following names before which the significant term "Mr." is placed: Martin Elam, Francis Eppes, Richard Kennon, Richard Cocke, John Pleasants, John Ball (who was minister of the parish), Benjamin Hatcher, William Baugh, Henry Lound, Wil- liam Clerke, Thomas Poulden, Gilbert Elam, Henry Gee, Gilbert Platt, Richard Lyggon, Peter Field, Charles Featherstone, George Worsham, Thomas Batte, Essex Bevill, John Goode, Richard Ward, Senior, [Francis] Radford [Redford]), William Elam, Thomas Branch, Senior, Thomas Osborne, Edward Osborne, Abell Gover, [Robert] Hancocke.l

The Eppes family were not ancestors, but Coin. Francis2 Eppes, having- married our ancestress, their children were half brothers and sisters to Elizabeth Worsham, who married Richd. Kennon, and besides some reference to them, as show- ing- the connections and standing of the families, is interesting.
The Eppes were among the most prominent people of Henrico County in the earliest period. Capt. (later Coin.) Francis Eppes, was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1625, and again in 1632. He was patentee of a great deal of land. The land books show that he came from England, and brought with him his sons, John, Francis, and Thomas, born in England. His second son, Francis2 Eppes, married Mrs. Worsham, this being his second marriage also. Both held prominent county offices. Lt. Coin. Littlebury3 Eppes, one of the sons of Mrs. Eppes, formerly Mrs. Worsham, was Colonel of Militia, Justice in 1699, and member of the House of Bur- gesses in 1710, 1714, &c, and died in 1746. He was brother of Elizabeth Worsham, wife of Richd. Kennox. Inter- esting accounts of this Eppes family may be found in the Ya. Hist. Magazine, and the William & Mary Quarterly. The statements given show that the whole family connection was of the best social standing and respectability.
George Worsham seems to have lived much longer than his brother William. A deed is on record (Henrico) as of March 4th, 1717, in which George Worsham conveyed to his son William Worsham, 122 A. of land, being a part of a tract of 3Q9 A. conveyed to the said Geo. Worsham by patent bear- ing date April 29th, 1668. This indicates that this is the same man who jointly with Wm. Worsham patented land in 1652.
There was also a deed of March 7, 1717, from Geo. Wor- sham to Richd.1 Kennox, both of Henrico County, which shows that the former was living at that time.
The records show the appraisement of the estate of Charles Worsham on July 7th, 1712. He must have been son of Wm.1 Worsham, Sr., mentioned in his mother's will.
John Worsham, son of Wm.1 Worsham, Sr., became sheriff of Henrico on June 1st, 1696, when he gave bond, and again on June 7th, 17 14. There are several deeds to land to and from John Worsham about this rime. And in three deeds Geo. Worsham is called "Sr.," as if there was a "Jr." The deed to William Worsham. son of Geo. Worsham, has been mentioned. And these two of the second generation, John Worsham and Wm. Worsham, were in the vestry of Henrico parish from 1730, certainly to Oct. 12th, 1733, when they were both present. Ac a vestry held November 2nd, 1731, Capt. JohnWorshamwasappointedchurchwarden. Hist,ofHen- rico Parish, pare 2, p. 9.
On September 27th, 1731, at a vestry there were present in addition to John Worsham, Joseph and Wm. Worsham, gents.
In 1733 Dale Parish, now in Chesterfield County, was cut off from Bristol Parish, and this accounts for these two drop- ping out of the vestry of the latter.
There are many other Worsham records in the books of Henrico County, bat they chiefly of much later dates, and do not particularly interest us, as our ancestress, Elizabeth Worsham, was most probabiy born before 1660.
It is interesting to note that in the settlement of her es- tate in the Henrico County records in the list of her funeral expenses we find charged the following articles, ten pounds of butter, two gallons of brandy, half a pound of pepper, half a pound of ginger, five gallons of wine, eight pounds of sugar, one steer, and three large wethers (sheep).

8/3/2019 at 10:05 PM

So why is (one of them) married to Elizabeth Worsham ?

8/3/2019 at 10:07 PM

Supposedly daughter of George Kennon & Abigail Sherman ....

8/3/2019 at 10:08 PM
8/3/2019 at 10:33 PM

http://daleeverettthompsonfamily.com/getperson.php?personID=P18623&... Names the wife of the first George Worsham as Mary.

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