It appears someone linked Richard Gardner of Woburn's children with this Richard Gardner of Nantuckets profile.
Names such as
Esther Gardner
Anna Coddington(Listed as Hanna)
Ruth Jepson
John Gardner
Abigal Gardner
Rebecca Whitmore(Gardner)
Belong to Richard Gardner of Woburn and not this Richard Gardner of Nantucket. I get the confusion as both are named Richard Gardner and both came from England and were born a couple of years apart and both Migrated to Massachusetts at some point.
But these are two different people no doubt. Richard Gardner of Woburn happens to be my 9th Great Grandfather as his daughter Mehitable Connett(Gardner) married James Connet my 8th Great Grandfather.
Unfortunately, the relationship stuff has been locked so I cannot make any changes myself.
Here's Richard Gardner of Woburn's profile
Richard Gardner of Woburn
Admittedly a good friend of mine who helped me get into Geni appears to have created two profiles Thomas and Margaret as Richard Gardner of Woburn and lists them as his parents but sadly no one knows who his parents are and this may have been again another case of mistaken Identity with Richard Gardner of Nantucket.
Here’s Richard Gardner, of Nantucket
Are the children of Richard of Woburn listed in his profile correct?
John, b. 8/14/1652; d. before 1697
Hannah (1654-1690)
Benjamin, b. Dec. 26, 1956; d. before 1697
Henry, b. Feb. 12, 1658; m. (1) Elizabeth Lane (5 children); (2) Hannah Nelson; d. Feb. 20, 1713
Hester, b. Oct. 15, 1659; m. William Johnson; d. Dec. 27, 1707
Abigail, m. (1) James Thompson 1687; (2) Capt. Edward Johnson
Ruth, b. April 1, 1661; d. Oct. 17, 1695
Rebecca, b. ca. 1667; m. (1686) Samuel Whitmore; d. June 5, 1709
Mehitable, m. James Connett
That should be correct, and one source that isn't on his profile I managed to find is this one.
This came from The Book "Descendants of Richard Gardner of Woburn, of the Name of Gardner. Boston" which was privately printed in, 1858.
Credit goes to a user by the name of wind9954 on for finding this and posting it.
No problem! glad that I could be some assistance.
It took me a while to get into the genealogy stuff admittedly and since March I fell down the rabbit hole of trying to find stuff on my dad's paternal side of the family and eventually came upon the Gardners so to speak.
I learned that my dad's uncle Robert Connett had been doing genealogy stuff for decades long before the age of the computer/internet so to speak.
He apparently managed to track back the Connetts to at least the 1600s or so I've heard.
I have to assume he managed to stumble upon a number of books or possibly even older source material that may have been past down through the family. I assume he himself probably written down some stuff on Mehitable Gardner and her family as well.
Sadly he died about a month ago not too long after I managed to get his email address to ask him some questions.
But I heard all his stuff he wrote down about all this stuff is with my dad's cousins and it's in good hands. one of these days I have to make my way back to California/Nevada and see what he has written down.