Tawhia-ki-te-rangi - Is Tawhia-ki-te-rangi then not also King Tawhaio the second Maori King of the King Moveent?

Started by Bryan SIMMONDS on Saturday, August 24, 2019
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8/24/2019 at 8:57 PM

Te Putu is Te wherowhero's great great grandfather

8/28/2019 at 2:07 AM

Thanks for that Diane,

Maraea Kautawhiti is my 2 x Great Grand mother,by clicking on the names of parents of the generation up, and scrutinising the profile of Tawhia-ki-te-rangi, and scrytinising the profile closely i have found down the bottom right hand side a notation that this person in fact is also known as King Tawhiao, thereby confirming my intuition.

8/28/2019 at 2:20 AM

Bryan SIMMONDS you added that note yourself, he is not king Tawhiao

8/28/2019 at 5:20 PM

I already linked the correct profile above for king Tawhiao who's whakapapa is well documented

9/1/2019 at 3:21 AM

Bryan Simmonds ..... perhaps you should listen to people who know more than you do ...

here is a list of Maori Kings and queens and those who helped them ....

The Kīngitanga (Māori King movement) is one of New Zealand’s longest-standing political institutions. Founded in 1858, it continued in the 2000s.

Traditionally Māori had no centralised monarchy. Tribes were independent and were led by chiefs.

In the 1850s there were growing numbers of European settlers and demand for Māori land, and Māori lacked political power. Some Māori wanted to unify the tribes under a sovereign.

In 1853 Mātene Te Whiwhi and Tāmihana Te Rauparaha began travelling round the North Island looking for a chief who would agree to become king. However, most chiefs declined.

In 1856, at Pūkawa, on the shores of Lake Taupō, the Waikato chief Pōtatau Te Wherowhero was nominated as king. At first he refused, but later agreed. In 1858 he was declared king at Ngāruawāhia.

Pōtatau died in 1860 and his son, Tāwhiao, became king. In 1863 government troops invaded the Waikato, and war followed. Waikato were defeated, huge areas of their land were confiscated, and Tāwhiao and his followers retreated into the King Country. In 1881 they returned to Waikato. Tāwhiao worked unsuccessfully for the return of confiscated lands, and travelled to London in 1884 to look for support from Queen Victoria.

Tāwhiao set up the Kauhanganui (Kīngitanga parliament) and began poukai (annual visits to Kīngitanga marae).

Mahuta became king in 1890 after the death of Tāwhiao, his father. In the 1890s the Kīngitanga tried unsuccessfully to unite with the Kotahitanga (Māori parliament) movement. From 1903 to 1910 Mahuta was a member of the Legislative Council, appointed by Premier Richard Seddon.

Te Rata and Te Puea
Mahuta died in 1912 and his son, Te Rata, became king. Te Rata was often ill. In 1914 he and three others travelled to England. He met King George V, but was told that the land confiscations were an issue for the New Zealand government.

Te Rata’s cousin, Te Puea Hērangi, became a Kīngitanga leader. She opposed participation in the First World War, and worked to rebuild an economic base and to establish Tūrangawaewae marae at Ngāruawāhia.

Korokī reluctantly became king in 1933 after his father, Te Rata, died. At Tūrangawaewae he hosted important visitors, including Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

Te Atairangikaahu
After Korokī died in 1966, his daughter, Piki, was crowned as Queen Te Atairangikaahu, the first Māori queen. She was made a dame in 1970. One of the most important achievements during her reign was when Tainui–Waikato signed a settlement with the government in 1995 over the land confiscations. Te Atairangikaahu died in August 2006. She was the longest-serving Māori monarch.

Te Atairangikaahu’s son Tūheitia became king in 2006.

Private User
9/1/2019 at 2:57 PM

Thank you Colleen,that is my understanding as well

9/3/2019 at 8:08 AM

I believe that we may be be related. My children are extremely proud of their Maori heritage. Their grandfather was Norman Frederick Skelton who was the great grandson of Mere Cook. I have an extremely limited family tree and would appreciate any assistance you can offer.. My husband was John Norman Skelton born in Tauranga in 1948. We had four natural sons and adopted a Maori boy whose birth name was Robert Cash.

Regards and thanks


9/6/2019 at 2:59 AM

Bryan Simmonds .... At no point was I rude to you .... As Diane Charteris said Jason Is a curator...and has been doing this family tree stuff for a long time.......It wasnt a lecture it was an attempt to help you ..Every one makes mistakes on their trees and you didnt seem to want to listen to the curator who had already posted a link to what you were asking.... . I simply asked you to think that some one knew more than you did... In saying that at 70 years old I have been respectful to my elders for a very long time..you are not being respectful to me .. as for knowing what I am talking about I am descended from some very important Maori Chiefs of the Te Atiawa... so instead of sounding like a spoilt child and spitting your dummy you could have just said THANK YOU ... and by the way You are welcome.......you now have the correct info ....... ....

Georgina we are indeed related ... Mere Kuku was my 2 times great grand mother i will get in touch with you on your page......

Diane Charteris ... I know exactly what I am talking about .... and perhaps you can now understand I was helping NOT hindering.....

9/7/2019 at 4:35 AM

Diane......... no I'm good she isnt a relation of mine........
and Bryan ...........a lot of people are related to a lot of those who settled in N Z...
hope you both have a long and happy life ....

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