are you sure there was some kind of relationship ... (a wife!?)
between the wife of the inn keeper, parents of Theophano Anastasia Argyropoulos
Leo Phokas the Younger --> area with gross data entry errors, and self-made online genealogy sources.
/!\ Theophano Anastasia Argyropoulos was over daughter of Leo Phokas the Younger /!\
N. for NO name.
N. for NO surname.
Quadruple N what does it mean? o.O
merge parents to Bardas add a uncle (by Medlands)
merge 2 MP
[MP] John I “Tzimiskes” Eastern Roman Emperor is [MP] John I “Tzimiskes” Eastern Roman Emperor
-Weddings and lovers already fixed following Medlands.
Parents must be united:
-The father is easy because one of the 2 is unknown so just merge.
-The 2 now different mothers, are sisters now, of the right family, but Medlands don't know the name, instead GENI knows 2 names:)
The daughter is present in all wikis but she have a old automatic disconnect SETTED in the emperor husband
it wasn't easy('',
CUT parents of Leo Argyros
wrong dates (born before parents), wrong place (wrong surname).
(of course it is not listed in Medlands)