He died at the above battle, not the similarly named Battle of the Spurs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Golden_Spurs] which was fought in 1513 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Spurs]
Excellent work catching that important detail, Martin Moyes . Someone should make note of the discrepancy in the About section of the profile. But starting the discussion is a great start. Thank you very much.
It is so helpful when adding material from online sites, to provide good links to the sites referenced. Makes it so much easier to check, to see if it was quoted correctly. Since that wasn't done in the case of the About section of this profile, I can't tell at this point whether the discrepancy occurred in the original source or somehow came about during the process of copying it to this site.
I always try to provide material found online cited with good, freely available links. But unfortunately in this case, because no link was provided, I doubt I'll ever find the 'source' anywhere. Even though it mentions Ancestry, the Roehm family tree, and a specific member of that tree, none of that is helpful if we can't check it.
Is a far better resource than most if you are relying on internet sites.
I have changed the text in the about to add "Golden"
No problem Debra, i'd much prefer to help you guys make Geni a better place than trying to fix it all myself.
I recognize the website name www.celtic-casimir.com but have no positive recollection of it, just another vanity site i should think
Much appreciated, Alex. We'd be lost without the help of kindly Curators like you. I always try to avoid the "vanity" sites. I don't even enjoy reading most of them.
By the way, I'm also currently involved with trying to iron out another problem with this Renaud II (III), comte de Clermont en Beauvaisis pedigree on another discussion, and having a tough time finding a published genealogical chart or history for the family (even on fmg at this point):
If you have time, would you like to take a look at it?