Yitzchok Zeev Soloveitchik - Isaac Soloveitchik

Started by Private User on Friday, October 18, 2019
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My 2nd Great Grandfather Isaac Soloveitchik (born 1863) immigrated to Baltimore, Maryland in 1895 from Kovno Lithuania. He was married to Minnie Lena Jacobson (b. 1866) in about 1887. According to Isaac’s gravestone his father was called ”Tzvi.” Isaac and Minnie had children named Leib/Louis, Hirsch/Harry (Louis & Harry we’re born in Lithuania), Hyman, Amelia and Moses. When Isaac died in 1933, his last name was Salawitch.

I am trying to figure out where my ancestors fit into the Soloveitchik Family Tree. Thank you so much, Heidi

Rabbi Yitzchok Zeev Soloveitchik
Rabbi Chaim "Brisker" Soloveitchik

Private User,

You need to provide a link to the profile of your 2nd great grandfather, so that someone can help you out.


just so u know, in the town of brisk (brest, belarus) there lived a family on the same street as the famous soloveitchik's whose name was soloveitchik, and they had no relation to the well known soloveitchik's

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