Świętosława «Gunhilda» Piast (Mieszkówna) - Świętosława «Gunhilda» Piast

Started by Ingvild Alme on Sunday, November 3, 2019
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Dronninger av Sverige


It i many wrong pictures on this profil. they are not of Świętosława «Gunhilda» Piast but of Sigrid Storråde. It is possible to do Something about it ?

It's more accepted today among historians, that Eriks wife indeed was Sigrid Storråda, daughter of Skoglar-Toste, and that it was the danish king Sven Tveskägg that had two wives, likely the widow of Erik Sigrid plus Swiatoslawa, but I see that people who disagree have safeguarded it by letting both of the kings have both of the wives.

Does it matter?

Well, as long as the children to these kings, has the right mother in place, it does not matter for the decendants, because, they will have the right ancestors anyway, even if one of the queens only in fact was married to only one of the kings. But, looking at the profiles concerned, I see a great mess done by amateurs who doesn't know anything about what they are doing, but manage to add profiles with wrong patronymic, because they don't understand that a son of Erik, can't be named Svensson etc. or missplace children because of locked profiles that prevent them from doing it right, so they settle for placing a profile where they can. (a totally unnecessarily behavior, but people want to manage profiles so new user will add them continuously just because they can do so.

Geni should have a system in use when people join this site for the first time, that clearly inform them about some basic rules expected by the users to follow, that one should not create profiles before the Middle Ages without checking if they already exist, and that famous or well knowed historical people that exist widely in litterature, kings, queens, nobilities, etc. most likely already exist here on Geni, and by breaking that simple rule, will make them suspended.

We would likely have been spared from a very large amount of chaos if only someone in the managment had had the wits to understand this. Unfortunately, their goals are not the same as ours, (or the most common users on this site), to demonstrate a genuine family tree as flawless as possible, this is obvious.

NO ONE wants to stop or talk sense to new users adding countless of copies, no one. The result from this unwillingness to actually prevent a saboteur in time, has resulted in countless of messed up areas in the tree.

Too many users already have gotten a free card to destroy and new ones arrives in a steady pace, too many for us users to handle alone, this together with the allowed ability to import gedcom files has really turned this site into a genuine hell for the users who wants as less profile-conflicts as possible.

I see it as a GENI managment problem, the ones behind GENI do not care about the user at all at this time, it's so simple, a site in a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. The solution Mike, is not to ban the people objecting against chaos!

Thank you for your stance, in Finnish trees, the situation is really different, if someone touches a medieval tree, it is immediately noticed and addressed even though there are too many GEDCOM problems. It has been very sad and frustrating to see the situation in Danish trees. I recently discovered again an important person with two profiles, and people have been building over a year "needlessly" two trees, each with more than 10,000 descendants, but not all of them duplicates at all. Hope we can all continue to figure out the best way to build the trees, even when it gets frustrating. It is always good that discussions are opened.

Hallo Everybody!

I am very happy that this discussion has started.
The problem is that we are dealing with the same person.
Storrada, Gunhilda, Świetosława etc. -was the daughter of the Polish Prince Mieszko I,
However none of these names is sure. According to Thietmar of Merseburg, Mieszko daughter married Sweyn Forkbeard and gave him two sons, Cnut the Great and Harald II of Denmark, but he does not mention her name.
He was contemporary with the events described and well-informed about the events.
I tried to adres this problem many years ago, but our Scandinavian friends protested strongly. I was too busy at that time to make long discussion, but no I am ready to fight.
There is a historical fact that she left her husband and went back to Poland.
After his death, Cnut and Harald went to Poland to take their mother back.
Do you have any other explanation for this story?

Regards for All
Andrzej Hennel

No "Storrada, Gunhilda, Świetosława etc." are two different persons that later have been mixed up into one and the same. Did you read what I wrote, above,

"It's more accepted today among historians, that Eriks wife indeed was Sigrid Storråda, daughter of Skoglar-Toste, and that it was the danish king Sven Tveskägg that had two wives, likely the widow of Erik Sigrid plus Swiatoslawa".

Do you understand what that means Andrzej?

There are many faults right now displayed as a result of too many chefs stirring around in the pot not knowing the name of the dish they're cooking.

One example.

Princess Estrid Margrethe Svendsdatter

Here set up on Geni with the following parents:
Daughter of Sven «Tveskägg», kung av Danmark och England och Sigrid Storråda

but should have had:
Svend Tveskæg Konge af Danmark, f. ca. 960, d. 9 feb.1014, Grainborugh, England
Gunhild af Venden, f. ca. 968, Posen, Preussen, Poland , d. eft. 2 feb. 1014


Ingvild Alme has been adding sources and as I have understood is now helping also to solve the mess, also starting discussion, is a good thing. I understood she has been in contact with some curators, maybe this is a good one to have fixed? Estrids parents.

Kind regards to all, working together we are stronger

First of all thank you for your Kindly Regards.

I do agree with Ulf Martinsson "Storrada, Gunhilda, Świetosława etc." are two different persons that later have been mixed up into one and the same.
I understand that is the latest information and agrement about this. The list of Queens in Sweden also tell us that.

Private User

Claus Flemming
made into this by finnish curator, without any discussion, Klas Fleming, Speculative ! and og course, profiles locked. See what you mean Saga...

They might have had discussions at their own facebook group, I think Geni discussions are better here where all the descendants or interested parties from where ever, can participate. The rare thing also is that most of Finnish MPs are that they are totally closed, every section.

OK, and tell me please who was the mother of Cnut the Great and Harald II of Denmark?

Svend Tveskæg Konge af Danmark
Gunhild af Venden aka "Swjatoslawa|Sygryda, (Piast)"
Harald III Konge af Danmark, f. 989, d. 1018
Knud I.den Store Konge af Danmark, f. 995, d.1035, Shaftesbury, Dorset,England
Estrid Svendsdatter af Danmark, f. 997, Denmark, d. 9 maj 1074, Roskilde Købstad
Gyda Svendsdatter af Danmark, d. †, Denmark

Leo van de Pas, genealogics. Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von, Reference: Page 23.

Leo van de Pas, genealogics. ~Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.), Reference: II 120.

Kay Nielsen. Danmarks konger og dronninger. Lademann Forlagsaktieselskab, 1981 og Det Ny Lademann, 1991, side 9.

Why are there two profiles for Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark

The MP:

Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark

And this one

Harald I "Blaatand" Gornsson King of Denmark "Blue Tooth" Blaatand "Blue Tooth", King of Denmark & Norway

Harald I "Blaatand" Gornsson King of Denmark "Blue Tooth" Blaatand "Blue Tooth", King of Denmark & Norway

Leon Hagelee

Because this site allows anyone to add profiles just as they please.

Well OK then. Can a curator merge the profiles?

Maybe some action is underway. I see the non MP: profile is now listed as isolated. And a Debbie Denman has posted the duplication in the Discussion Thread

"Please do NOT merge unsourced duplicates into the MEDIEVAL tree"

We don't merge in any more Harald "Blue Tooth" and other duplicate profiles from before 1600, - new profiles get isolated and will be deleted

I would be very obliged If during this discussion English was used. I can read also French and Russian, but Scandinavian languages are not so common.

Are there already project where to add "single" duplicates, meaning the ones that does not have 10 000 descentants and are easy to cut? There are quite a lot of(historical profiles) duplicates, triplicates swimming in the ocean of Geni after multiple GEDCOMS that did not give anything for Geni trees.

Unknown Profile

I could by I won't. My profiles are 99.999% real, without faults, I have added 12.000 profiles, I do not make many mistakes at all, the handfull (5 of my knowledge) I've done, have I also corrected, leaving the Geni adding result by me to 100% correctness following the sources, that indeed might contain other errors, but that's another thing.

Is this appreciated? No. Does anyone thanks me for adding the right profiles or correcting theirs or mine or others trees? No.

Does people usually (if showing any kind of respons at all) get upset with me interfering in the world tree? Yes.

Who wants to take shit because of doing the right things? No One.

This profile, Eric the Victorious, king of Sweden had his father cut off by Remi Trygve Pedersen who has his own opinion that we can't know which parents he had, despite the fact that we actually can know it, and had it displayed here on Geni.

He is a curator, he do not need to start any discussions before he makes his cuts, maybe, he can bring out some more order in this part of the tree, by cutting off every single profile that might be a subject of opinions?

He is supported by Geni, I'm not. Ask him to fix the mess. Unfortunately, we do not have any experts on the Scandinavian field regarding kings and nobilities pre 1200,
and no either curators skilled enough to know what they are doing or able to validate the sources this far back, so giving the few ones we have free hands have been a serious mistake resulting in faulty cuts, locks and deleted valid profiles. Good luck.

The geni style.

Someone notice an error.
The error arrived because of too many mergings.
Suddenly a mother is born after the son.
Someone starts a thread, hi, this can't be rigth???
A curator takes a glance at the problem, renames the mother to N.N. and cuts off her parents.
Problem, Solved

The reason being of the inaccuracy of the profiles on Geni, are that most user are not using primary (or even secondary sources) as their source for adding anything to Geni.

Most people at the moment just copy / import others unsourced trees via SmartMatch or Gedcom,

All of this results in Geni becoming more and more unreliable, so use your critical eye and try to verify every information with primary sources.

Hanne, Oseanside, San Diego. Aug. 2024

Dear Remi,
I agree.

Too many on Geni do not consider critical "use your critical eye".

They copy the great work of others or copies from MyHeritage where there are many errors.

I've been observing wrong braids or stealing profiles.

Some change Danish names many cannot read Danish texts from church books and archives. Which causes error.

Gothic reading of old Danish texts can be very even for a Dane to translate. This can lead to errors for someone who cannot read Danish texts.

It would be nice if more people would work more thoroughly with their own close or direct ancestral ancestors.

Best regard,
Hanne Abel
Copenhagen, Denmark.

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