Daniel Hicks, Sr., of Brunswick County - Only four children are noted on his profile as immediate family. I once considered myself a granddaughter but am not connected as such on Geni. I have a question about his profile, please:

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Thursday, November 14, 2019
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His ABOUT says:

"Not the son of Robert Hicks, of Hick's Ford

Robert Hicks, Indian Trader, is thought to have fathered these 13 children:

1. Daniel who married Edith"

and then no other children are enumerated.

Robert Hicks, of Chowan County Is a different person from Capt. Robert Hicks, Indian Trader so it’s a warning not to mix them up.

Feel free to add notes to the overviews that work better for you.

Oh, I see what’s confusing you.

The 13 children of Robert Hicks, Indian Trader, are listed in “his” profile.

My expectation would be that someone will list the children of Daniel Hicks in the Daniel Hicks profile. Not his father’s children - Daniel’s children.

lol Ah! I think I have whiplash now Erica Howton!

Or at least coup-contra coup~!

I will EDIT.

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