Suppo II, marchese di Spoleto - FIX

Started by Livio Scremin on Thursday, November 14, 2019
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11/14/2019 at 6:58 PM

-Medlands & others refer Duke, not Marquis.
-Also the numbering seems to be settled..
-I think an extra child ( Theophilactus I Tusculanum ) has also been linked, which wiki ITA assigns a different father (Gregorio)

PLZ unlock for correction.

11/17/2019 at 3:33 PM

Theophilactus I Tusculanum fixed.

His wife Theodora [MP] locked, I think her surname should be removed, and I think the pope with 150 years of difference cannot be his brother..

the operation would separate
Pope Adrian I di via Lata & 4 his family members from the big Tree.

I read that Someone thinks they are relatives, but no one has any idea how to connect them.

Erica Howton do you feel like taking a stroll in Rome? :D

11/17/2019 at 4:30 PM

2 BRO time travelers:
-Cunégonde de Spolète (tree husband she not mentioned)
-Suppo I, duke of Spoleto (clone of Suppo I, duke of Spoleto? ..would give his wife a name)

11/17/2019 at 7:56 PM

OK found a poor note for the papal connection (better than brother 150 years of difference :)

NOW missing to unlock Suppo II, duke of Spoleto for little name fix.

& check all the connections of the time traveler's husband Héribert of Toulouse

11/18/2019 at 5:39 AM

Private User or Ric Dickinson, Geni Curator, PLZ what do you think of the node of Héribert of Toulouse: with "Cunegonde"mother, bride and daughter?

11/18/2019 at 10:44 AM

hoping that some experts from the French side will come forward, I will proceed to SUPPO --> there are 2 cousins in the same profile:
-dates, wife and 1 son of Suppo3,
-5 children of Suppo 2.
1 child free? :\

11/18/2019 at 11:27 AM
11/18/2019 at 2:37 PM

all that remains is to dissolve that knot with France and the traveler of time. But beware that there seem to be too many Cunegonde per square meter in these parts... I point out in particular these 2/3:

-Cunégonde -> MP total locked in empity white. Seems to be a official wife of FR St. William of Gellone, count of Toulouse and nothing to do with the Italian part. But with Italian she has another Cunegonda & Maurin, count palatine of Spoleto which would seem a copy, but has dates and details that do not coincide, unfortunately he is also the father of:
-Cunégonde de Spolète -> time traveler on her father's side, unknown to her husband's lincks

(..waiting for French experts:)

11/19/2019 at 8:43 AM

solvable with 3 cuts! (*one worth double;)
(and leave to their fate to wander in the oblivion of GENI 5 garbage profiles:)

- [TAGGEED & (C) can see for sure]
- [publish for sure]

11/20/2019 at 8:21 AM


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