My tree ...i am very upset:((

Started by Maryna Zhubryk on Saturday, December 21, 2019
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My tree was tied to the world, then different people began to write to me that this was a mistake, that I tied my tree by mistake to the world tree, but i have a screenshot that clearly says "last requested family ties May 17, 2017." And here it is clearly visible that there is a problem, I have been registered with Geni since 2018. I wrote to Geni / help, but they answered me that an error just happened with the date, that's all. I am very upset and do not know who to contact yet. I wrote again in Geni / help but they do not answer me.

What is your problem? I cannot understand it.

Hermann Josef Hartenthaler
Good evening Hermann Josef ,my problem is that my tree was disconnected from the world tree and I do not understand why? where was the mistake? why did they tell me that an error occurred? How could I request family paths in 2017 if I signed up for the Geni website in 2018. Honestly, I do not understand anything on this site. I just want to know if it is possible to connect my tree to the world tree again? Thanks so much.

Maryna, Please try to use urls of the profile(s) that you think overlap with the World tree and explain clearly how you think they match. You will find the url in the long box nearly top of the screen: < > (refresh) Home then url box.

As a volunteer Geni curator I will try to help.

Terry Jackson (Switzer)

Zygmunt Wielewski

Terry Jackson (Switzer)

Private User


Terry Jackson (Switzer)
Dear Terry, I hope you can help me. I’m very sorry that my tree was disconnected and I now see the path to only a few people, before I could see the path to any person.

You were registered on GENI as count Leo Tolstoy. Its profile is connected to the world tree. After renaming the profile, some old family ties remained. I don't know how to clean the cache of old records

There are records in the profile change history:

Пользователь Customer Service обновил профиль Maryna Zhubryk. сведения
18 апр 2018 в 3:38 до полудня ·

Пользователь Customer Service обновил профиль граф Льва Львович Толстого. сведения, имя, фамилия и ещё 1
18 апр 2018 в 2:33 до полудня ·

Leonid Semenov (GENI Curator RU)
I have never registered with Geni as Count Leo Tolstoy and have not tied my tree to his tree. I will send you a screenshot about 2017, I was not yet registered with Geni.
Что такое Customer Service? Thanks

Maryna Zhubryk зайдите в свой профиль и посмотрите вкладку изменения. Посмотрите дату 18 апреля 2018 года. Тогда вы были Львом Львовичем Толстым. Возможно вы сделали случайное слияние с его профилем, а потом слияние было отменено, но какие-то связи остались

Leonid Semenov (GENI Curator RU)
Я помню однажды просто зашла в профиль Толстого и увидела надпись типо "ваше дерево слилось с мировым" я даже не успела понять что произошло, но дело не в этом, а вот в чем если профиль закрыт а профиль Льва Тостого закрыт могла ли я специально и преднамеренно соединить мое древо с его древом? Или даже нечаянно? И если сайт всегда предупреждает что это два разных человека, возрас не соответсвует, жизненный статус несоответсвует, пол не соответсвует. Не обьединяйте профили если Вы не уверенны что это один и тот же человек. Как я могла обьединить этот профиль с моим??

Dear technical support. I can't insert a screenshot here. But when I go to the profile of Maryna Zhubric, it shows me the way related to Lev Lvovich Tolstoy. This is a clear failure of the site

Terry Jackson (Switzer) Marina has a local tree, but when building a chain of family ties, the site considers her profile to be the profile of Lev Lvovich Tolstoy Lev Lvovich Tolstoy

Leonid Semenov (GENI Curator RU) and Maryna Zhubryk ...

It shows to me that Maryna & Leo Tolstoy are not related. Maryna's branch is not currently connected to Geni's shared World Family Tree at all at this time ("No path found to Maryna Zhubryk."). Tolstoy's profile *is* connected.

Back in April of 2018 Maryna's profile *was* (incorrectly) merged with Tolstoy's, but that was shortly thereafter un-done by Geni staff.

(FYI: Tolstoy's profile only recently had the MP flag set.)

As a curious aside, it seems I'm connected to Tolstoy via 5 marriage-crossings, including 2 "ex-partner" relationships.

Has that path been refreshed? It is odd that it shows the terminal (final) profile as Tolstoy, but the text use Maryna. Mike Stangel ... any observations about why that would be?

When I 'push-pin' on Leonid's profile, then go to Tolstoy's, the path reports as expected:

Я не обьединяла профиль Льва Львовича Толстого с моим профилем, я устала об этом повторять. GENI продолжаетубеждать меня что это сделала я.

Lev Lvovich Tolstoy

@Maryna, Continue adding profiles to your own tree, and when it overlaps another tree (the blue square appears) then merge the trees. This will reconnect you to the world tree.

It is obvious, that there is a problem with Geni, but let the curators work on it. They will solve it in due course!

Best regards, Tryggve Gestrin

Tryggve Gestrin

Thank you very much for your advice and support. Have a nice day🍀🍀🍀

You are welcome!

The problem which started this discussion has been fixed; Maryna now correctly shows that she is not (yet) connected to Geni's shared World Family Tree.

The technical issue (apparently) was something related to this issue got 'stuck' in the "path-building" database nearly 4 years ago; that was found & fixed (thanks to the wizardry of Geni staff!).

Dan Cornett

I thank you sincerely for your understanding and help, but I alone can’t understand how my data ended up on the Geni website 4 years ago if I registered only 2 years ago?

It is not 'your' data which was there 4 years ago!! It was a path from Leonid to Tolstoy which 'got stuck' or 'garbled', and somehow was getting associated with a 'ghost path' associated with the profile(s) you began adding to Geni.

It was not anything you did, nor something malicious by someone else.
(I can speculate that it was a bug in the "pathfiinding" algorithms from 3 or 4 years ago which was fixed, but this "remnant" of that problem was lurking in the database causing this problem.)

All is well now.

My profile is already in the World Tree, but I do not see with whom and how I am connected. Geni says: relatives through marriage not found or blood relatives not found. Should I wait a while?

Mike Stangel
My profile is already in the World tree, but i do not see white whom and how i am connected. Geny says: relatoves through marriage not found or blood relatives not found. Should I wait a while? Thank so much in advance

Are you sure you're in the world tree? Sometimes a profile gives the impression that it is but it is really not. Adolf Hitler was not in the world tree even though his profile page said he was and I spent two weeks adding about 3000 profiles in order to be the first person in world history to figure out how he is connected to US Protestants. Then he truly was in the world family tree.


Geni website says I'm connected to 141,740,971 profiles

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