Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Hello cousin lol

Started by Bradley Jason Williams on Monday, January 13, 2020
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1/13/2020 at 4:30 PM

9th cousin twice removed, no idea what that means but so far you are the only famous person I’m related to that’s not dead. Lol

Private User
1/14/2020 at 1:02 AM

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is my cousin, too. You and I are 10th cousins, related through the Oppenheim family.

The actresses Helena Bonham Carter and Rachel Weisz are also my cousins, so they’re probably your cousins as well.

That would make three famous people who you’re related to who aren’t dead. Plus me. I’m not all that famous but I’m not dead yet. At least there’s that.


1/15/2020 at 6:37 AM

That’s interesting I was an only child, my father and grandparents died when I was young, so I never knew I had any relatives out there, so finding out I’m related to anyone, much less 3 or 4 famous people is pretty cool, as for you being famous, you still have time lol.

1/15/2020 at 6:38 AM

Oh I forgot, I’m related to Anne Frank as well.

Private User
1/16/2020 at 3:43 AM

Yea I'm related to her too but only as my 21st cousin.The first really famous person I found that I had a somewhat close blood relationship to was Karl Marx.

Private User
1/16/2020 at 3:45 AM

Anne Frank is my 15th cousin four times removed.

Private User
1/16/2020 at 5:32 AM

Mark, Geni says that you and I are 20th cousins, once removed. Karl Marx was my 9th cousin, five times removed.

Private User
1/16/2020 at 5:42 AM

Anne Frank was my 7th cousin according to Geni.com.

1/16/2020 at 6:10 AM

So Terese since you are the only living relative that’s ever responded tell me about yourself, and my side of your family.

Private User
1/17/2020 at 11:37 AM

In answer to your question, Brad, according to Geni.com we are related through the Gompertz/Emmerich family. I'm a direct descendant of Rabbi Elieser Josua Feibelman Emmerich who was born in 1610 in Emmerich, North Rhine, Westphalia, Germany and who died in Kleve, North Rhine, Westphalia, Germany on Jan. 14, 1675. You are a direct descendant of his brother, Josef Elias Gompertz Cleve Emmerich (born before 1620 and died June 28, 1689 in Kleve). You and I are 10th cousins. My ancestor, as I mentioned, was a rabbi. Your ancestor was a banker who founded one of the great banking fortunes of Europe.

1/18/2020 at 9:04 AM

10th cousins? That’s pretty cool, the only thing I knew about my grand parents is that my grandfather fought in WWII, he was Robert Lynn Williams, my grand mother I know nothing about, she was Sarah Ann Oppenheim or Oppenheimer? My dad died years ago and we never talked about the family. My mother’s side of the family I know a little more about, but not much.

Private User
1/18/2020 at 4:28 PM

I noticed that too Terese Kreuzer. When you started following me and I started following you I saw that we were distant cousins.

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