Two groups of Woods

Started by Karl David Wright on Saturday, February 15, 2020
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Looking at the "Shield" project, it seems that there may well have been two distinct Quaker Wood families arriving in West Jersey and northern Pennsylvania: a Sheffield one, and a Lancashire one. Confusion was thus inevitable. I don't know whether they were related in any way but I doubt it; it's a common surname, and they're geographically quite distance in England.

It may be worth calling that out in this project.

The following reference definitely muddies the waters. It claims that the Shield arrived in 1682, carrying the family of John Woods of ye shelter on Woodbury Brook , of Bury Parish, Lancashire. The problem is that it states John came from Sheffield! Did the author get the wrong ship name as well? Or did the Shield drop off one family of Woods in 1678 and a different, unrelated bunch in 1682?


Note that some web trees say that the boat that arrived in 1682 was the "KS Lyon". Anyone know whether this is true?

John Clement seems to take liberty with how the Wood family is related, lumping them together as brothers and fathers & sons when they shouldn't be...

There may even be three Wood families.

Also: The three brothers? Constantine, John, and Jeremiah??? I do not think this is accurate at first glance.
Constantine Wood, died young
Constantine Wood
are the two Constantines with whom we've been dealing so far.
Did they have an uncle Constantine?

In 1682, John's sons would have been nearing adult age. Jeremiah would have been 11. Constantine (who died young) would have been 12. Constantine b. 1683 was not yet born.

However, it was convention then (as it is now) for families to name children after siblings. I can well imagine that John had brothers by that name that we otherwise do not know about. But I would expect we could find birth records for them back in Lancashire if so.

good point....

I have to be particularly careful in building Wood trees among the different families of that surname...
Look at this false match from myheritage:

Henry Wood
FamilySearch Family Tree
Birth: Nov 21 1621 - Tottington, Lancashire, England, UK
Death: June 18 1691 - Hopewell, Gloucester, NJ
Parents: Henry Wood, Isabel Wood (born Goodspeed)
Daughter: Rebekah Ogden (born Wood)
Siblings: Margaret Wood, Mary Wood, Constantine Wood, Jeremiah Wood, Henry Wood, Thomas Wood, John Wood, and name of one more brother

Lets look at the comments in John Woods of ye shelter on Woodbury Brook .

Did John really stop in Rhode Island, or was that Henry Wood?
Clements' phrasing in his work you've brought to our attention is quite confusing.

At 7:58 you wrote: "we could find birth records for them back in Lancashire "

I am surprised that I haven't encountered trees where someone else had already done this work... (I'm not denying the possibility that there is, in fact, a uncle Constantine)

I'd like to find him in Quaker records in North america too... :)

Some how all of us geni enthusiasts had missed adding Henry Wood to the mix. < I just put him in this hour... (sourced).

He is interesting to me in that he married into the Dennis family, one that I've been researching because of its ties with "my" Albersons back in Ireland.

Thanks for finding Henry. I added him to the immigration timeline event.

As you may have noticed, I didn't build the John Wood family, just hooked up to it when I realized that was where Jeremiah must have come from. Still trying to source and verify what's already there.

And, by the way, here's "false match" Henry - a brother of John in Geni:

Henry Wood, Quaker of Hopewell

Rebekah Ogden doesn't seem listed as his daughter though.

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