Akiva HaKohen and Eli HaKohen HaGadol: Is there are line of descent?

Started by Private User on Sunday, March 22, 2020
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There is a highly relevant discussion about this question here: https://www.geni.com/discussions/197943. There is a document image posted on the profile of Rabbi Akiva Hakohen Katz, ABD Saloniki (Alter of Salonika) indicating such, but there is still no available source reference for this document. This is a worthwhile line of inquiry for the members of this project to pursue according to their ways and means.

Private User
There are quite a few cases where a certain person is known to be a descendant of ... but not all of the ancient fathers are known.
It's frustrating (in my family tree there are quite a few cases like this),But besides writing on the profile of that person who is descended from ... nothing can be done beyond that

There is yet hope that with the use of yDNA some of these evidentiary gaps may be filled. In the meantime we can simply say that the descent from Eli HaKohen is presumed but not proven.

Thanks to R' Wartski, the first 40 pages of the book from which this information about Eli HaKohen HGadol derives has been made available here: https://tablet.otzar.org/he/book/book.php?book=156805&width=0&a.... Since I am not a reader of Hebrew I must leave this task to fellow members of this project to please review these first 40 pages for any other references or clues to the Eli HaKohen HaGadol pedigree of R' Akiva.

Private User
Small correction: You write that I'm a rabbi, and I'm not

Apoloigies for the mis-accreditation.

not on that page, but it's apparently in there somewhere

regarding https://tablet.otzar.org/he/book/book.php?book=156805&width=0&a... Akiva Hakohen is mentioned at least once, in the footnotes on page 12 out of 407 pages.

It says on https://tablet.otzar.org/he/book/book.php?book=156805&width=0&a... that R' Akiva was a descendant of Rabbi Yehuda HaChassid; this is something which I have not heard. I assume that this is not son-after-son, because Rabbi Yehuda HaChassid was not a Kohen. Does anyone know what the lineage is?

? Kamenezky
According to geni there is no blood relationship between them.
Rabbi Yehuda HACHASID Was from a family of Levites, so if there is a blood relationship between them, it must be through ancient mothers
But it is not certain that all the information provided by the author of the book you have attached is correct, For example in the book he writes about the son of רב האי גאון
In the opinion of the best researchers of rabbinical families living today, this is a mistake / forgery, because he had no children at all

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